Dictionary: RE-SPIRE' – RE-SPONS'I-BLE

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RE-SPIRE', v.t.

To exhale; to breathe out; to send out in exhalations. – B. Jonson.


Breathed; inhaled and exhaled.


Breathing; taking breath.

RES'PIT, n. [Fr. repit.]

  1. Pause; temporary intermission of labor, or of any process or operation; interval of rest. Some pause and respit only I require. – Denham.
  2. In law, reprieve; temporary suspension of the execution of a capital offender. – Milton. Prior.
  3. Delay; forbearance; prolongation of time for the payment of a debt beyond the legal time.
  4. The delay of appearance at court granted to a jury, beyond the proper term. – Blackstone.

RES'PIT, v.t.

  1. To relieve by a pause or interval of rest. To respit his day labor with repast. – Milton.
  2. To suspend the execution of a criminal beyond the time limited by the sentence; to delay for a time. – Clarendon. If the court may respit for a day, they may for a year. – Clinton.
  3. To give delay of appearance at court; as, to respit a jury. – Blackstone.


Relieved from labor; allowed a temporary suspension of execution.


Relieving from labor; suspending the execution of a capital offender.

RE-SPLEN'DENCE, or RE-SPLEN'DEN-CY, n. [L. resplendens, resplendeo; re and splendeo, to shine.]

Brilliant luster; vivid brightness; splendor. Son! thou in whom my glory I behold / In full resplendence, heir of all my might. – Milton.

RE-SPLEN'DENT, a. [supra.]

Very bright; shining with brilliant luster. With royal arras and resplendent gold. – Spenser.


With brilliant luster; with great brightness.

RE-SPLIT', v.i.

To split or rend a second time. – Smellie.

RE-SPLIT', v.t. [re and split.]

To split again.


  1. A short anthem interrupting the middle of a chapter, which is not to proceed till the anthem is ended. – Wheatly.
  2. An answer. [Not in use.] – Ch. Relig. Appeal.

RE-SPOND', v.i. [Fr. repondre; It. rispondere; Sp. responder L; respondeo; re and spondeo, to promise, that is, to send to. Hence responded is to send back.]

  1. To answer; to reply. A new affliction strings a new chord in the heart, which responds to some new note of complaint within the wide scale of human woe. – Buckminster.
  2. To correspond; to suit. To every theme responds thy various lay. – Broome.
  3. To be answerable; to be liable to make payment; as, the defendant is held to respond in damages.

RE-SPOND', v.t.

To answer; to satisfy by payment. The surety was held to respond the judgment of court. The goods attached shall be held to respond the judgment. – Sedgwick. Mass. Rep.


Answered; satisfied by payment.


An answering. – Chalmers.


Answering; that answers to demand or expectation. Wealth respondent to payment and contributions. – Bacon.


  1. One that answers in a suit, particularly a chancery suit.
  2. In the schools, one who maintains a thesis in reply, and whose province is to refute objections or overthrow arguments. – Watts.


Answering; corresponding.


Answerable; responsible. [Not in use.] – Heylin.


  1. Response; answer. – Brevint.
  2. One who is responsible. [Not in use.] – Barrow.

RE-SPONSE, n. [respons'; L. responsum.]

  1. An answer or reply; particularly, an oracular answer.
  2. The answer of the people or congregation to the priest, in the litany and other parts of divine service. – Addison.
  3. Reply to an objection in formal disputation. – Watts.
  4. In the Romish Church, a kind of anthem sung after the morning lesson.
  5. In a fugue, a repetition of the given subject by another part. – Busby.

RE-SPON-SI-BIL'I-TY, n. [from responsible.]

  1. The state of being accountable or answerable, as for a trust or office, or for a debt. – Burke. Paley. It is used in the plural; as, heavy responsibilities. – Johnson's Rep.
  2. Ability to answer in payment; means of paying contracts.

RE-SPONS'I-BLE, a. [from L. responsus, respondeo.]

  1. Liable to account; accountable; answerable; as for a trust reposed, or for a debt. We are all responsible for the talents intrusted to us by our Creator. A guardian is responsible for the faithful discharge of his duty to his ward. The surety is responsible for the debt of his principal.
  2. Able to discharge an obligation; or having estate adequate to the payment of a debt. In taking bail, the officer will ascertain whether the proposed surety is a responsible man.