Dictionary: SALT'-WORK – SAL-VA'TION

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A house or place where salt is made.


A vague and indefinite popular name applied to most of the numerous species of salsola, and also to some species of salicornia and glaux.

SAL'TY, a.

Somewhat salt.

SA-LU'BRI-OUS, a. [L. saluber, salubris, from salus. See Safe.]

Favorable to health; healthful; promoting health; as, salubrious air or water; a salubrious climate.


So as to promote health. Burke.

SA-LU'BRI-OUS-NESS, or SA-LU'BRI-TY, n. [L. salubritas.]

Wholesomeness; healthfulness; favorableness to the preservation of health; as, the salubrity of air, of a country or climate.

SA-L'U-TA-RI-LY, adv.

Favorably to health.

SAL'U-TA-RI-NESS, n. [See Salutary.]

  1. Wholesomeness; the quality of contributing to health or safety.
  2. The quality of promoting good or prosperity.

SAL'U-TA-RY, a. [Fr. salutaire; L. salutaris, from salus, health.]

  1. Wholesome; healthful; promoting health. Diet and exercise are salutary to men of sedentary habits.
  2. Promotive of public safety; contributing to some beneficial purpose. The strict discipline of youth has a salutary effect on society.

SAL-U-TA'TION, n. [Fr. from L. salutatio. See Salute.]

The act of saluting; a greeting; the act of paying respect or reverence by the customary words or actions; as in inquiring of persons their welfare, expressing to them kind wishes, bowing, &c. Luke i. Mark xii. In all public meetings and private addresses, use the forms of salutation, reverence and decency usual among the most sober people. – Taylor.


The student of a college who pronounces the salutatory oration, at the annual commencement.


By way of salutation.


Greeting; an epithet applied to the oration, which introduces the exercises of the commencements in American colleges.

SA-LUTE', n.

  1. The act of expressing kind wishes or respect; salutation; greeting. – South. Addison.
  2. A kiss. – Roscommon.
  3. In military affairs, a discharge of cannon or small arms in honor of some distinguished personage. A salute is sometimes performed by lowering the colors or beating the drums. The officers also salute each other by bowing their half pikes. – Encyc.
  4. In the navy, a testimony of respect or deference rendered by the ships of one nation to the ships of another, or by ships of the same nation to a superior or equal. This is performed by a discharge of cannon, volleys of small arms, striking the colors or top-sails, or by shouts of the seamen mounted on the masts or rigging. When two squadrons meet, the two chiefs only are to exchange salutes. – Encyc.

SA-LUTE', v.t. [L. saluto; It. salutare; Sp. saludar; Fr. saluer; from L. salus or salvus.]

  1. To greet; to hail; to address with expressions of kind wishes. If ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? – Matth. v.
  2. To please; to gratify. [Unusual.] – Shak.
  3. To kiss.
  4. In military and naval affairs, to honor some person or nation by a discharge of cannon or small arms, by striking colors, by shouts, &c.

SA-LUT'ED, pp.

Hailed; greeted.


One who salutes.

SAL-U-TIF'ER-OUS, a. [L. salutifer; salus, health, and fero, to bring.]

Bringing health; healthy; as, salutiferous air. – Dennis.

SALV-A-BIL'I-TY, n. [from salvable.]

The possibility of being saved or admitted to everlasting life. – Saunderson.

SALV'A-BLE, a. [L. salvus, safe; salvo, to save.]

That may be saved, or received to everlasting happiness.


State of being salvable.

SALV'A-BLY, adv.

In a salvable manner.


for Savage, not used. [See Savage.]

SALV'AGE, n. [Fr. salvage, sauvage, from L. salvus, salvo.]

In commerce, a reward or recompense allowed by law for the saving of a ship or goods from loss at sea, either by shipwreck or other means, or by enemies or pirates. – Park.

SAL-VA'TION, n. [It. salvazione; Sp. salvacion; from L. salvo, to save.]

  1. The act of saving; preservation from destruction, danger or great calamity.
  2. Appropriately in theology, the redemption of man from the bondage of sin and liability to eternal death, and the conferring on him everlasting happiness. This is the great salvation. Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation. 2 Cor. vii.
  3. Deliverance from enemies; victory. Exod. xiv.
  4. Remission of sins, or saving graces. Luke xix.
  5. The author of man's salvation. Ps. xxvii.
  6. A term of praise or benediction. Rev. xix.