Dictionary: TRIN'I-TY – TRI-PET'A-LOUS

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TRIN'I-TY, n. [L. trinitas; tres and unus, unitas, one, unity.]

In theology, the union of three persons in one Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In my whole essay, there is nod any thing like an objection against the Trinity. Locke.


The Sunday next after Whit-sunday; so called from the feast held on that day in honor of the Holy Trinity.

TRINK'ET, n. [If n is casual, this is from W. treciaw, to furnish. See Trick.]

  1. A small ornament, as a jewel, a ring and the like. Dryden. Swift.
  2. A thing of little value; tackle; tools. Tusser. L'Estrange.


Ornaments of dress; trinkets.

TRI-NO'MI-AL, a. [L. tres and nomen.]

In mathematics, a trinomial root, is a root consisting of three parts, connected by the signs + or –. Thus x+y+z, or a+b–c.


A root of three terms or parts.

TRI'O, n.

A concert of three parts; three united.

TRI-OB'O-LAR, or TRI-OB'O-LA-RY, a. [L. triobolaris; tres and obolus.]

Of the value of three oboli; mean; worthless. Cheyne.

TRI-OC-TA-HE'DRAL, a. [tri and octahedral.]

In crystalography, presenting three ranges of faces, one above another, each range containing eight faces.

TRI-OC'TILE, n. [L. tres, three, and octo, eight.]

In astrology, an aspect of two planets with regard to the earth, when they are three octants or eight parts of a circle, that is, 135 degrees distant from each other. Cyc.


A stanza of eight lines, in which the first line is thrice repeated. Brande.

TRI'OR, or TRI'ER, n. [from try.]

In law, a person appointed by the court to examine whether a challenge to a panel of jurors, or to any juror, is just. The triors are two indifferent persons. Cyc.

TRIP, n.

  1. A stroke or catch by which a wrestler supplants his antagonist. And watches with a trip his foe to foil. Dryden.
  2. A stumble by the loss of foot-hold, or a striking of the foot against an object.
  3. A failure; a mistake. Each seeming trip, and each digressive start. Harte.
  4. A journey; or a voyage. I took a trip to London on the death of the queen. Pope.
  5. In navigation, a single board in plying to windward. Cyc.
  6. Among farmers, a small flock of sheep, or a small stock of them. [Local.] Cyc.

TRIP, v.i.1

  1. To stumble; to strike the foot against something, so as to lose the step and come near to fall; or te stumble and fall.
  2. To err; to fail; to mistake; to be deficient. Virgil pretends sometimes to trip. Dryden.

TRIP, v.i.2 [Ar. طَربَ tariba, to move lightly; allied perhaps to Sw. trappa, Dan. trappe, G. treppe, stairs.]

  1. To run or step lightly; to walk with a light step. She bounded by and tripp'd so light They had not time to take a steady sight. Dryden. Thus from the lion trips the trembling doe. Dryden.
  2. To take a voyage or journey.

TRIP, v.t. [G. trippeln; D. trippen; Sw. trippa; Dan. tripper; W. tripiaw, to trip, to stumble; from rhip, a skipping. See טרף and טרב in Castle.]

  1. To supplant; to cause to fall by striking the feet suddenly from under the person; usually followed by up; as, to trip up a man in wrestling; to trip up the heels. Shak.
  2. To supplant; to overthrow by depriving of support. Bramhall.
  3. To catch; to detect. Shak.
  4. To loose an anchor from the bottom by its cable or buoy-rope. Mar. Dirt

TRIP'AR-TITE, a. [Fr. from L. tripartitus; tres, three, and partitus, divided; partior.]

  1. Divided into three parts. In botany, a tripartite leaf is one which is divided into three parts down to the base, but not wholly separate. Martyn.
  2. Having three corresponding parts or copies; as, indentures tripartite.


A division by three, or the taking, of a third part of any number or quantity. Cyc.

TRIPE, n. [Fr. id.; Sp. tripa; It. trippa; G. tripp; Russ. trebucha; W. tripa, from rhip, from rhib, a streak or dribblet. In Sp. tripe, Dan. trip, is shag, plush. This word is probably from tearing, ripping, like strip.]

  1. Properly, the entrails; but in common usage, the large stomach of ruminating animals, prepared for food.
  2. In ludicrous language, the belly. Johnson.

TRIP'E-DAL, a. [L. tres and pes.]

Having three feet.


A man who sells tripe. Swift.

TRI-PEN'NATE, or TRI-PIN'NATE, a. [L. tres and penna or pinna.]

In botany, a tripannate leaf is a species of supradecompound leaf, when a petiole has bipinnate leaves ranged on each side of it. Martyn.

TRI-PER'SON-AL, a. [L. tres and persona.]

Consisting of three persons. Milton.


The state of existing in three persons in one Godhead.

TRI-PET'A-LOUS, a. [Gr. τρεις, three, and πεταλον, leaf.]

In botany, three-petaled; having three petals or flower leaves.