Dictionary: UL'TRA – UM-BIL'IC, or UM-BIL'IC-AL

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UL'TRA, prep. [or n. L.]

Beyond. Hence a person who advocates extreme measures.


The principles of men who advocate extreme measures, as a radical reform, &c. H. More.


One who pushes a principle or measure to extremes.

UL-TRA-MA-RINE', a. [L. ultra, beyond, and marinus, marine.]

Situated or being beyond the sea. Ainsworth.

UL-TRA-MA-RINE', n. [supra.]

  1. A beautiful and durable sky-blue; a color formed of the mineral called lapis lazuli. According to Gmelin of Tubingen, sulphuret of sodium is the coloring principle of lapis lazuli, to which the color of ultramarine is owing. He has succeeded in preparing artificial ultramarine by heating sulphuret of sodium with a mixture of silicic acid and alumina. An. de Ch.
  2. Azure-stone. Ultramarine ashes, a pigment which is the residuum of lapis after the ultramarine has been extracted. Their appearance is that of the ultramarine, a little tinged with red, and diluted with white. Cyc.

UL-TRA-MON'TANE, a. [Fr. from L. ultra and montanus, from mons, mountain.]

Being beyond the mountain. Thus France, with regard to Italy, is an ultramontane country. Poussin is the only ultramontane painter whom the Italians seem to envy. Cyc.


A foreigner; one who resides beyond the mountain.


The doctrines of ultramontanists.


One who lives north or west; of the mountains of Italy, and attempts to exalt the authority of the Roman church and the pope, above that of temporal sovereigns. Robinson.

UL-TRA-MUN'DANE, a. [L. ultra and mundus, world.]

Being beyond the world, or beyond the limits of our system.

UL-TRO'NE-OUS, a. [L. ultro, of one's own accord.]

Spontaneous; voluntary. [Not used.]

UL'U-LATE, v.i. [L. ululo, to howl.]

To howl, as a dog or wolf. Herbert.


A howling, as of the wolf or dog.

UM'BEL, n. [L. umbella, a screen or fan.]

In botany, a particular mode of inflorescence or flowering, which consists of a number of flower-stalks or rays, nearly equal in length, spreading from a common center, their summits forming a level, convex, or even globose surface, more rarely a concave one, as in the carrot. It is simple or compound; in the latter, each peduncle bears another little umbel, umbellet or umbellule. Cyc. Martyn. Umbel is sometimes called a rundle, from its roundness.


Pertaining to an umbel; having the form of an umbel.


Bearing umbels; consisting of an umbel; growing on an umbel; as, umbellate plants or flowers.


A little or partial umbel. Martyn.

UM-BEL'LIF-ER, n. [L. umbella and fero.]

In botany, a plant producing an umbel. Lindley.

UM-BEL-LIF'ER-OUS, a. [L. umbella and fero, to bear.]

Producing the inflorescence called an umbel; bearing umbels; as, umbelliferous plants.

UM'BER, n.1

In natural history, an ore of iron, a fossil of a brown, yellowish, or blackish brown color, so called from Ombria in Italy, where it was first obtained. It is used in painting. A specimen from Cyprus afforded, of a hundred parts, 48 parts of oxyd of iron, 20 of oxyd of manganese, the remainder silex, alumin and water. Cyc.

UM'BER, n.2

A fowl of Africa, called the African crow. The Scopus umbretta, a fowl of the grallic order, inhabiting Africa. Cyc.

UM'BER, n.3

A fish of the salmon family, called the grayling, or Thymallus vulgaris, a fresh water lash of a fine taste. Cyc.

UM'BER, v.t.

To color with umber; to shade or darken. Shak.

UM'BER-ED, a. [L. umbra, a shade.]

  1. Shaded; clouded. Shak.
  2. [from umber.] Painted with umber.

UM-BIL'IC, or UM-BIL'IC-AL, a. [L. umbilicus, the navel.]

Pertaining to the navel; as, umbilical vessels; umbilical region. Umbilical points, in mathematics, the same as foci. Umbilical vessels, in vegetables, are the small vessels which pass from the heart of the seed into the side seed-lobes, and are supposed to imbibe the saccharine, farinaceous or oily matter which is to support the new vegetable in its germination and infant growth. Cyc. Darwin.