Definition for Daffodil (-s)

daffodil (-s), n. [med. L. affodillus; the initial /d/ may be the result of regressive assimilation; see asphodel.] (webplay: flowers, purple, yellow).

  1. Hardy yellow perennial flower; trumpet-like blossom of early spring; [fig.] symbol of new life.
  2. Bulbous blooming plant; golden cup-shaped bloom on a long stem; [personification] lady wearing a ruffled cap or dress.
  3. Yellow color; golden light of sunset.
  4. Jonquil; little narcissus blossom; plant of the genus Narcissus whose blossoms are yellow, white, or purple; [fig.] poem; verse accompanied by a pressed garden flower.
  5. Dormant floral bulb; [fig.] rejuvenation; symbol of death, burial, life, and resurrection.

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