Definition for Behold (-ing, -s, beheld)

behold (-ing, -s, beheld), v. [OE bihaldan; see hold, v.] (webplay: eyes, God, guard, lived, look, mind, observe, see, sense, sight, taketh away, world).

  1. Consider; contemplate; ponder; think of.
  2. [Command form intensifier] Lo!; look; pay attention; bear witness; (see 1 Kings 20:13).
  3. Fix the eyes upon; see with attention; observe with care; (see John 1:29).
  4. Discover; uncover; find; attain; acquire; achieve; learn; realize; understand; comprehend; experience; come into possession of.
  5. See; look at; notice; view; watch; fix the mind on; (see Numbers 21:9).
  6. Discern; feel; observe; perceive; attend to.

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