Definition for Letter (-s, -'s)

letter (-s, -'s), n. [OFr lettre.]

  1. Missive; epistle; printed text; communication made by visible characters from one person to another at a distance.
  2. Verbal expression; [fig.] gift; souvenir; trinket of memory; token of affection.
  3. Paper; correspondence; [fig.] good works.
  4. Character; grapheme; alphabetic symbol; [fig.] word; writing; poem.
  5. Statement; declaration; proclamation; announcement; calling card; [fig.] poem; prayer; inspired message.
  6. Prayer; orison; communion with Deity; expression of praise and petition.
  7. Secret note; billet doux; private document; written message from one's beloved; [verbal contraction “Letter's”] letter is.
  8. Post; missive; [fig.] invitation to visit; preliminary communique; preparatory text prior to a face-to-face meeting.
  9. Warning; message; means of communication.
  10. Revelation; prophecy; scripture; divine inscription; message from God (see Daniel 5:2-6).
  11. Receiving a written note; arrival of a posted correspondence; getting a piece of mail from a friend or loved one.

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