Definition for Low (-er)

low (-er), adj. [ME lāh.]

  1. Heavy; weighed down; [fig.] tired; exhausted; dead; defunct.
  2. Quiet; subtle; not loud; almost as inaudible; soft in tone; subdued of voice.
  3. Less prestigious; [fig.] mortal; earthly; worldly.
  4. Sunken; ground-level; not elevated; [fig.] grave; cemetery.
  5. Baser; less significant.
  6. Close to the ground; [fig.] common; ordinary; ubiquitous.
  7. Inferior; below a noble level; [fig.] bowed; bent; [metaphor] less worthy; of lesser status.
  8. Minor; less advanced; [fig.] merely temporal; [kenning “the lower Way”] mortality.
  9. Corruptible; subject to decay; no longer able to rise to its normal height.
  10. Downcast; [fig.] closed; with eyelids shut down.
  11. Humbling; depressing; dejected.
  12. Short; small in size; less in stature.
  13. Humble; meek; modest; willing; biddable; self-forgetful; anxious to please.
  14. Hovering; sinking down; approaching earth; heavy with condensation; [fig.] threatening; glowering.
  15. Fewer; less in numbers; smaller quantity of.
  16. Insufficient; short in altitude; lacking in quantity.
  17. Underground; subterranean.
  18. Living beneath the heavens.

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