Definition for Stir (-red, -rest, -ring, -s)

stir (-red, -rest, -ring, -s), v. [OE styrian, to make a disturbance.] (webplay: abroad, carried, days, everything, fancy, foot, good, home, liquor, morning, motion, move, notice, place, right, still, words).

  1. Move; [denotes a person/animal moving of their own volition]; [fig.] awake; arise; get out of bed; [fig.] raise; lift; [fig.] open; [fig.] travel; journey; [fig.] leave; flee; move out of the way; [fig.] twitch; quiver.
  2. Move [denotes an inanimate object being moved]; [fig.] garden; landscape; [fig.] loosen; unfasten; dislodge; [fig.] flitter; sway; rustle; move back and forth; [fig.] affect; arouse; animate; spur; incite; [fig.] spread; expand; [fig.] make ripples on [fig.] reawaken; become enlivened; [fig.] lay bare; become exposed [fig.] attracted; enamored; allured; enticed.
  3. Excite the intellect; lift the spirits; quicken the understanding; enliven the mind; increase in ability.
  4. Function; operate; work.
  5. Breathe; come alive; [fig.] affront; oppose; contend; contest; impugn; challenge; harm.
  6. Dwell; live; reside; abide; exist.

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