Dictionary: BI-NOC'U-LAR – BI-PO'LAR

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BI-NOC'U-LAR, a. [See Binocle.]

Having two eyes; also, having two apertures or tubes, so joined that one may use both eyes at once in viewing a distant object; as, a binocular telescope. – Encyc.

BIN-OC'U-LATE, a. [L. bis and oculus.]

Having two eyes.

BI-NO'MI-AL, a. [L. bis, twice, and nomen, name.]

In algebra, a root consisting of two members connected by the sign plus or minus; as, a + b, or 7 - 3. – Encyc.

BI-NOM'IN-OUS, a. [L. bis, twice, and nomen, name.]

Having two names. – Johnson.

BI-NOT'ON-OUS, a. [bis and note.]

Consisting of two notes; as, a binotonous cry. – Montague.

BI-OG'RA-PHER, n. [See Biography.]

One who writes an account or history of the life and actions of a particular person; a writer of lives, as Plutarch.


Pertaining to biography, or the history of the life of a person; containing biography.


In the manner of a biography.

BI-OG'RA-PHY, n. [Gr. βιος, life, and γραφω, to write.]

The history of the life and character of a particular person.

BI-OL'O-GY, n. [Gr. βιος and λογος.]

The science of life; a term introduced by Treviranus of Bremen, in place of physiology. – Lawrence.

BI-O-TI'NA, n. [from Biot, a French naturalist.]

A newly discovered Vesuvian mineral, whose primitive form is that of an obtuse rhomboid. – Journ. of Science.

BIP'A-ROUS, a. [L. bis, twice, and pario, to bear.]

Bringing forth two at a birth.

BI-PART'I-BLE, or BI-PART'ILE, a. [L. bis, twice, and partio, to divide.]

That may be divided into two parts. – Martyn.

BI-PAR'TIENT, a. [L. bis, twice, and partio, partiens, to divide.]

Dividing into two parts. – Ash.

BIP'AR-TITE, a. [L. bis, twice, and partitus, divided.]

  1. Having two correspondent parts, as a legal contract or writing, one for each party.
  2. In botany, divided into two parts to the base, as a leaf. – Martyn.


The act of dividing into two parts, or of making two correspondent parts. – Johnson.

BI-PEC'TIN-ATE, a. [L. bis and pecten, a comb.]

In botany, having two margins toothed like a comb.

BI'PED, n. [L. bipes, of bis, twice, and pes, pedis, a foot.]

An animal having two feet, as man.


Having two feet, or the length of two feet.

BI-PEL'TATE, a. [L. bis and pelta, a buckler.]

Having a defense like a double shield.

BI-PEN'NATE, or BI-PEN'NA-TED, a. [L. bis, and penna, a wing or feather.]

  1. Having two wings.
  2. In botany, having pinnate leaves on each side of the petiole, as a leaf or frond. – Martyn.

BI-PET'A-LOUS, a. [L. bis, and Gr. πεταλον.]

Having two flower leaves or petals.

BI-PIN'NATE, a. [the more usual spelling of Bipennate.]

BI-PIN'NA-TI-FID, or BI-PEN'NA-TI-FID, a. [L. bis, twice, pinna, a wing, or feather, and findo, to divide.]

Doubly pinnatifid; having the primary segments of the leaves pinnatifid.


Doubly polar. – Coleridge.