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GAS'TRO-CELE, n. [Gr. γαστηρ, the stomach, and κηλη, a tumor.]

A hernial tumor containing the stomach.


A treatise on the stomach.

GAS'TRO-MAN-CY, n. [Gr. γαστηρ, belly, and μαντεια, divination.]

A kind of divination among the ancients by means of words seeming to be uttered from the belly. Encyc.


One who likes good living.

GAS-TRON'O-MY, n. [Gr. γαστων.]

The art or science of good eating.

GAS'TRO-PODE, n. [Gr. γαστηρ, the stomach, and ποδα, feet.]

An animal which moves by a fleshy apparatus under the belly, or that has the belly and foot joined, as in the slugs Limax or naked snails. Bell.


Having the belly and foot joined.

GAS-TROR'A-PHY, n. [Gr. γαστηρ, belly, and ῥαφια, a sewing or suture.]

The operation of sewing up wounds of the abdomen. Quincy.

GAS-TROT'O-MY, n. [Gr. γαστηρ, belly, and τεμνω, to cut.]

The operation of cutting into or opening the abdomen. Encyc.

GAT, v. [pret. of Get.]

GATE, n. [Sax. gate, geat; Ir. geata; Scot. gait. The Goth. gatwo, Dan. gade, Sw. gata, G. gasse, Sans. gaut, is a way or street. In D. gat is a gap or channel. If the radical letters are Gd or Gt, it may be connected with gad, to go, as it signifies a passage.]

  1. A large door which gives entrance into a walled city, a castle, a temple, palace or other large edifice. It differs from door chiefly in being larger. Gate signifies both the opening or passage, and the frame of boards, planks or timber which closes the passage.
  2. A frame of timber which opens or closes a passage into any court, garden or other inclosed ground; also, the passage.
  3. The frame which shuts or stops the passage of water through a dam into a flume.
  4. An avenue; an opening; a way. Knolles. In Scripture, figuratively, power, dominion. "Thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;" that is, towns and fortresses. Gen. xxii. The gates of hell, are the power and dominion of the devil and his instruments. Matth. xvi. The gates of death, are the brink of the grave. Ps. ix.

GAT'ED, a.

Having gates. Young.


Having no gate.


The vena portæ, a large vein which conveys the blood from the abdominal viscera into the liver. Bacon. Hooper.


  1. A way through the gate of some inclosure. Mortimer.
  2. A building to be passed at the entrance of the area before a mansion. Chalmers.


A plait or fold in cloth, made by drawing.

GATH'ER, v.i.

  1. To collect; to unite; to increase; to be condensed. The clouds gather in the west.
  2. To increase; to grow larger by accretion of like matter. Their snow-ball did not gather as it went Bacon.
  3. To assemble. The people gather fast.
  4. To generate pus or matter. [See Gathering.]

GATH'ER, v.t. [Sax. gaderian, or gatherian; D. gaderen. I know not whether the first syllable is a prefix or not. The Ch. גדר signifies to inclose, and to gather dates. If the elements are primarily Gd, the word coincides with Ger. gattern, Ch. אגד, to gather, to bind.]

  1. To bring together; to collect a number of separate things into one place or into one aggregate body. Gather stones: and they took stones, and made a heap. Gen. xxxi.
  2. To get in harvest: to reap or cut and bring into barns or stores. Levit. xxv. 20.
  3. To pick up; to glean; to get in small parcels and bring together. Gather out the stones. Is. lxii. He must gather up money by degrees. Locke.
  4. To pluck; to collect by cropping, picking, or plucking. Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? Matth. vii.
  5. To assemble; to congregate; to bring persons into one place. Ezek. xxii. 19.
  6. To collect in abundance; to accumulate; to amass. I gathered me also silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings. Eccles. ii.
  7. To select and take; to separate from others and bring together. Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from among the heathen. Ps. cvi.
  8. To sweep together. The kingdom of heaven is like a net that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind. Matth. xiii.
  9. To bring into one body or interest. Yet will I gather others to him. Is. lvi.
  10. To draw together from a state of expansion or diffusion; to contract. Gathering his flowing robe he seemed to stand, / In act to speak, and graceful stretch'd his hand. Pope.
  11. To gain. He gathers ground upon her in the chase. Dryden.
  12. To pucker; to plait.
  13. To deduce by inference; to collect or learn by reasoning. From what I hear I gather that he was present. After he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavored to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us to preach the Gospel to them. Acts xvi.
  14. To coil as a serpent. To gather breath, to have respite. [Obs.] Spenser.


That may be collected; that may be deduced. [Unusual.] Godwin.


Collected; assembled; contracted; plaited; drawn by inference.


One who gathers or collects; one who gets in a crop.


  1. The act of collecting or assembling.
  2. Collection; a crowd; an assembly.
  3. Charitable contribution. 1 Cor. xvi.
  4. A tumor suppurated or maturated; a collection of pus; an abscess.


Collecting; assembling; drawing together; plaiting; wrinkling.


Plaits; folds; puckers; wrinkles in cloth. Hudibras.


A species of Cornus or Cornelian cherry Fam. of Plants.