Dictionary: GRIEF'LESS – GRIME

a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |



Without grief. Huloet.


Pierced with grief. Shak.


Lamentable. [Obs.] Gower.

GRIEV'ANCE, n. [from grief.]

That which causes grief or uneasiness; that which burdens, oppresses or injures, implying a sense of wrong done, or a continued injury, and therefore applied only to the effects of human conduct; never to providential evils. The oppressed subject has the right to petition for a redress of grievances.

GRIEVE, v.i.

To feel pain of mind or heart; to be in pain on account of an evil; to sorrow; to mourn. We grieve at the loss of friends or property. We grieve at the misfortunes of others. We grieve for our own misfortunes, follies and vices, as well as for those of our children. It is followed by at or for.

GRIEVE, v.t. [D. grieven; Fr. grever, to oppress; Sp. agraviar, agravar; It. gravare; L. gravo, from gravis. See Grave.]

  1. To give pain of mind to; to afflict; to wound the feelings. Nothing grieves a parent like the conduct of a profligate child.
  2. To afflict; to inflict pain on. For he doth not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men. Lam. iii.
  3. To make sorrowful; to excite regret in.
  4. To offend; to displease; to provoke. Grieve not the holy Spirit of God. Eph. iv.


Pained; afflicted; suffering sorrow.


He or that which grieves.


  1. Giving pain; afflicting.
  2. Sorrowing; exercised with grief; mourning.


In sorrow; sorrowfully. Shak.

GRIEV'OUS, a. [from grieve, or grief]

  1. Heavy; oppressive; burdensome; as, a grievous load of taxes.
  2. Afflictive; painful. Correction is grievous to him that forsaketh the way. Prov. xv.
  3. Causing grief or sorrow. The thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son. Gen. xxi.
  4. Distressing. The famine was very grievous in the land. Gen. xii.
  5. Great; atrocious. Because their sin is very grievous. Gen. xviii. Expressing great uneasiness; as, a grievous complaint.
  6. Provoking; offensive; tending to irritate; as, grievous words. Prov. xv.
  7. Hurtful; destructive; causing mischief; as, grievous wolves. Acts xx.


With pain; painfully; with great gin or distress; as, to be grievously afflicted. With discontent, ill will or grief. Knolles. Calamitously; miserably; greatly; with great uneasiness, distress or grief. Atrociously; as, to sin or offend grievously.


  1. Oppressiveness; weight that gives pain or distress; as, the grievousness of a burden.
  2. Pain; affliction; calamity; distress; as, the grievousness of sickness, war, or famine.
  3. Greatness; enormity; atrociousness; as, the grievousness of sin or offenses.

GRIF'FON, n. [Fr. griffon; Sp. grifo; It. griffo, griffone; G. greif; Dan. grif; D griffioen; L. gryps, gryphus; Gr. γρυψ; W. gruf, fierce, bold, a griffon.]

In the natural history of the ancients, an imaginary animal said to be generated between the lion and the eagle. It is represented with four legs, wings and a beak, the upper part resembling an eagle, and the lower part a lion. This animal was supposed to watch over mines of gold and hidden treasures, and was consecrated to the sun. The figure of the griffon is seen on ancient medals, and is still borne in coat-armor. It is also an ornament of Greek architecture. Encyc.


Resembling a griffon.

GRIG, n.

  1. A small eel; the sand eel.
  2. A merry creature. Swift.
  3. Health. [Obs.]


Shaking with cold. [Obs.] Chaucer.

GRILL, v.t. [Fr. griller.]

To broil. [Not in use.]

GRIL-LADE', n. [Fr.]

Broiled meat, or something broiled.

GRIL'LY, v.t.

To harass. [Not in use.] Hudibras.

GRIM, a. [Sax. grim, fierce, rough, ferocious; gram, raging fury; gremian, to provoke; D. gram, angry; grimmen, to growl; grimmig, grim; grommen, to grumble; G. grimm, furious, grim; grimmen, to rage; gram, grief, sorrow; Dan. grim, stern, grim, peevish; gram, grudging, hating, peevish; W. gremiaw, to gnash, to snarl, from rhem, whence rhemial, to mutter. Hence Fr. grimace. These words belong probably to the root of L. fremo, which has a different prefix, Gr. βρεμω, Eng. grumble, rumble, Ir. grim, war. See Class Rm, No. 11, 13.]

  1. Fierce; ferocious; impressing terror; frightful; horrible as, a grim look; a grim face; grim war. Milton. Addison
  2. Ugly; ill-looking. Shak.
  3. Sour; crabbed; peevish; surly.

GRI-MACE', n. [Fr. from grim, or its root; Sp. grimazo.]

  1. A distortion of the countenance, from habit, affectation or insolence. Spectator.
  2. An air of affectation. Granville. [“Half the French words used affectedly by Melantha, in Dryden's Marriage à-la-Mode, as innovations in our language, are now in common use; chagrin, double-entendre, eclaircissement, embarras, equivoque, foible, grimace, naiveté, ridicule. All these words, which she learns by heart to use occasionally, are now in common use.” D'Israeli's Curiosities of Literature, Second Series, 2d Ed. vol. i. p. 395. – E. H. B.]


Distorted; having a crabbed look.

GRI-MAL'KIN, n. [Qu. Fr. gris, gray, and malkin.]

The name of an old cat. Philips.

GRIME, n. [Ice. gryma, Sax. hrum, soot; Rabbinic כרום, soot. Class Rm, No. 21.]

Foul matter; dirt; sullying blackness, deeply insinuated. Shak. Woodward.