Dictionary: IN-I'TIATE – IN'JUR-ED

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  1. Unpracticed. Shak.
  2. Begun; commenced. A tenant by the courtesy initiate, becomes so by the birth of a child, but his estate is not consummate till the death of the wife. Blackstone.


One who is initiated. J. Barlow.

IN-I'TIATE, v.i.

To do the first act; to perform the first rite. Pope.

IN-I'TIATE, v.t. [Low L. initio, to enter or begin, from initum, ineo, to enter; in and eo, to go.]

  1. To instruct in rudiments or principles; or to introduce into any society or sect by instructing the candidate in its principles or ceremonies; as, to initiate a person into the mysteries of Ceres.
  2. To introduce into a new state or society; as, to initiate one into a club. Addison.
  3. To instruct; to acquaint with; as, to initiate one in the higher branches of mathematics.
  4. To begin upon. Clarendon.


Instructed in the first principles; entered.


Introducing by instruction, or by appropriate ceremonies. J. M. Mason.

IN-IT-I-A'TION, n. [L. initiatio.]

  1. The act or process of introducing one into a new society, by instructing him in its principles, rules or ceremonies; as, to initiate a person into a Christian community.
  2. The act or process of making one acquainted with principles before unknown.
  3. Admission by application of ceremonies or use of symbols; as, to initiate one into the visible church by baptism. Hammond.


Serving to initiate.


Initiating or serving to initiate; introducing by instruction, or by the use and application of symbols or ceremonies. Two initiatory rites of the same general import can not exist together. J. M. Mason.

IN-I'TIA-TO-RY, n. [supra.]

Introductory rite. L. Addison.


A beginning. Naunton.

IN-JECT', v.t. [L. injectus, injicio; in and jacio, to throw.]

  1. To throw in; to dart in; as, to inject any thing into the mouth or stomach.
  2. To cast or throw on. And mound inject on mound. Pope.


Thrown in or on.


Throwing in or on.

IN-JEC'TION, n. [Fr. from L. injectio.]

  1. The act of throwing in, particularly that of throwing a liquid medicine into the body by a syringe or pipe.
  2. A liquid medicine thrown into the body by a syringe or pipe; a clyster.
  3. In anatomy, the act of filling the vessels of an animal body with some colored substance, in order to render visible their figures and ramifications. Encyc.

IN'JOIN, v.t. [See ENJOIN.]

IN-JU-CUND'I-TY, a. [L. injucunditas.]

Unpleasantness; disagreeableness. [Little used.]


Not cognizable by a judge. [Little used.]


Not according to the forms of law. Dict.

INJU-DI'CIOUS, a. [in and judicious.]

  1. Not judicious; void of judgment; acting without judgment; unwise; as, an injudicious person.
  2. Not according to sound judgment or discretion; unwise; as, an injudicious measure.


Without judgment; unwisely.


The quality of being injudicious or unwise. Whitlock.

IN-JUNC'TION, n. [L. injunctio, from injungo, to enjoin; in and jungo, to join.]

  1. A command; order; precept; the direction of a superior vested with authority. For still they knew, and ought t' have still remembered / The high injunction, not to taste that fruit. Milton.
  2. Urgent advice or exhortation of persons not vested with absolute authority to command.
  3. In law, a writ or order of the court of chancery, directed to an inferior court, or to parties and their counsel, directing them to stay proceedings, or to do some act, as to put the plaintif in possession for want of the defendant's appearance, to stay waste or other injury, &c. When the reason for granting an injunction ceases, the injunction is dissolved. Blackstone.

IN'JURE, v.t. [Fr. injure, injurier; L. injuria, injury; Sp. injuriar; It. ingiuriare. See Injury.]

  1. To hurt or wound, as the person; to impair soundness, as of health.
  2. To damage or lessen the value of, as goods or estate.
  3. To slander, tarnish or impair, as reputation or character.
  4. To impair or diminish; to annoy; as happiness.
  5. To give pain to; to grieve; as sensibility or feelings.
  6. To impair, as the intellect or mind.
  7. To hurt or weaken; as, to injure a good cause.
  8. To impair; to violate; as, to injure rights.
  9. To make worse; as, great rains injure the roads.
  10. In general, to wrong the person, to damage the property, or to lessen the happiness of ourselves or others. A man injures his person by wounds, his estate by negligence or extravagance, and his happiness by vices. He injures his neighbor by violence to his person, by fraud, by calumny, and by non-fulfillment of his contracts.

IN'JUR-ED, pp.

Hurt; wounded; damaged; impaired; weakened; made worse.