Dictionary: LEN'I-TIVE – LEOD

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  1. A medicine or application that has the quality of easing pain; that which softens or mitigates.
  2. A palliative; that which abates passion. – South.

LEN'I-TY, n. [L. lenitas, from lenis, mild, soft.]

Mildness of temper; softness; tenderness; mercy. Your offenders may be treated with lenity. It is opposed to severity and rigor.


Slender; pliable. [Local.]

LE-NO'CI-NANT, a. [L. lenocinans.]

Given to lewdness. – More.

LENS, n. [plur. Lenses. L. lens, a lentil.]

A transparent substance, usually glass, so formed that ray of light passing through it are made to change their direction, and to magnify or diminish objects at a certain distance. Lenses are double-convex, or convex on both sides; double-concave, or concave on both sides; plano-convex or plano-concave, that is, with one side plane, and the other convex or concave; or convex on one side and concave on the other; the latter is called a meniscus. – Encyc.

LENT, or LENTANDO, adv. [lent, lentando.]

In music, direct to a gradual retarding time.

LENT, n. [Sax. lencten, spring, lent, from leng, long; lenegan, to lengthen; so called from the lengthening of the days.]

The quadragesimal fast, or fast of forty days, observed by the Christian church before Easter, the festival of our Savior's resurrection. It begins at Ash-Wednesday, and continues till Easter.

LENT, pp. [of Lend.]


Pertaining to lent; used in lent; sparing; as, a lenten entertainment; a lenten salad. – Shak.

LEN-TIC'U-LAR, a. [L. lenticularis, from lens, supra.]

  1. Resembling a lentil.
  2. Having the form of a lens; lentiform.


In the inner of a lens; with a curve.


A petrified shell.

LENT'I-FORM, a. [L. lens and forma, form.]

Of the form of a lens.

LEN-TIG'I-NOUS, a. [L. lentigo, a freckle, from L. lens.]

Freckly; scurfy; furfuraceous.


A freckly eruption on the skin.

LEN'TIL, n. [Fr. lentille, from L. lens.]

A plant of the genus Ervum. It is an annual plant, rising with weak stalks about 18 inches. The seeds, which a contained in a pod, are round, flat, and a little convex in the middle. It is cultivated for fodder, and for its seeds. – Encyc.

LEN'TISK, or LEN-TIS'CUS, n. [Fr. lentisque; It. lentischio; Sp. lentisco; L. lentiscus.]

A tree of the genus Pistacia, the mastich-tree, a native of Arabia, Persia, Syria, and the south of Europe. The wood is of a pale brown, resinous and fragrant. [See Mastich.]

LENT'I-TUDE, n. [L. lentus, slow.]

Slowness. [Not used.] Dict.


A kind of hawk. – Walton.

LENTO, or LENTAMENTE, adv. [Lento, lentamente.]

In music, signifies slow, smooth and gliding.

LENT'OR, n. [L. from lentus, slow, tough, clammy; Fr. lenteur.]

  1. Tenacity; viscousness. – Bacon.
  2. Slowness; delay; slugishness. – Arbuthnot.
  3. Siziness thickness of fluids; viscidity; a term used in the humoral pathology. – Coxe. Quincy.

LENT'OUS, a. [L. lentus, slow, thick.]

Viscid; viscous; tenacious. – Brown.

LEN'ZIN-ITE, n. [from Lenzius, a German mineralogist.]

A mineral of two kinds, the opaline and argillaceous; a variety of clay, occurring usually in small masses of the size of a nut. – Cleaveland. Phillips.

LE'O, n. [L.]

The Lion, the fifth sign of the zodiac.

LEOD, n. [Saxon.]

People; a nation.