Dictionary: LOZ'ENGE – LU'CID-LY

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LOZ'ENGE, n. [Fr. losange; Gr. λοξος, oblique, and γωνια, a corner.]

  1. Originally, a figure with four equal sides, having two acute and two obtuse angles; a rhomb.
  2. In heraldry, [it is used exactly as in the first sense. – E. H. B.]
  3. Among jewelers, lozenges are common to brilliants and rose diamonds. In brilliants, they are formed by the meeting of the skill and the star facets on the bezil; in the latter, by the meeting of the facets in the horizontal ribs of the crown. – Encyc.
  4. A form of medicine in small pieces, to be chewed or held in the month till melted. – Johnson.
  5. In confectionery, a small cake of preserved fruit, or of sugar, &c.


Made into the shape of lozenges.


In heraldry, [more usually written lozengee, divided lozenge-wise. – E. H. B.]

LP, n. [Lp.]

A contraction of Lordship.

LU, n. [See LOO.]

LUB'BARD, n. [Not used.]


LUB'BER, n. [W. llabi, a tall lank fellow, a clumsy man, a stripling, a lubber, a looby; llab, a flag or thin strip, a stripe or stroke; llabiaw, to slap; llob, an unwieldy lump, a dull fellow. From the significations of llabi, it appears that the primary sense is tall and lank, like a stripling who gains his highth before he does his full strength, and hence is clumsy. But looby seems rather to be from llob.]

A heavy, clumsy fellow; a sturdy drone; a clown. And lingering lubber lose many a penny. – Tusser.


Properly, tall and lank without activity; hence, bulky and heavy; clumsy, lazy; as, a lubbed fellow or boy.

LUB'BER-LY, adv.

Clumsily; awkwardly. – Dryden.

LU'BRIC, a. [L. lubricus, slippery.]

  1. Having a smooth surface; slippery; as, a lubric throat. – Crashaw.
  2. Wavering; unsteady; as, the lubric waves of state.
  3. Lascivious; wanton; lewd. This lubric and adulterate age. – Dryden. [This word is now little used.]

LU'BRI-CANT, n. [See Lubricate.]

That which lubricates.

LU'BRI-CATE, v.t. [L. lubrico, from lubricus, slippery; allied to labor, to slip or slide.]

To make smooth or slippery. Mucilaginous and saponaceous medicines lubricate the parts to which they are applied.


Made smooth and slippery.


Rendering smooth and slippery.


That which lubricates.

LU-BRIC'I-TY, n. [Fr. lubricité.]

  1. Smoothness of surface; slipperiness.
  2. Smoothness; aptness to glide over any thing, or to facilitate the motion of bodies in contact by diminishing friction. – Ray.
  3. Slipperiness; instability; as, the lubricity of fortune. – L'Estrange.
  4. Lasciviousness; Propensity to lewdness; lewdness; lechery; incontinency. – Dryden.

LU'BRI-COUS, a. [L. lubricus.]

  1. Smooth; slippery. – Woodward.
  2. Wavering; unstable; as, lubricous opinions. – Glanville.

LU-BRI-FAC'TION, n. [infra.]

The act of lubricating or making smooth. – Bacon.

LU-BRI-FI-CA'TION, n. [L. lubricus and facio, to make.]

The act or operation of making smooth and slippery. – Ray.

LUCE, n.

A pike full grown. Johnson. – Shak.

LU'CENT, a. [L. lucens; from luceo, to shine. See Light.]

Shining; bright; resplendent; as, the sun's lucent orb. – Milton.

LU'CERN, n. [Qu. W. llysau, plants; llysieuyn, a plant; Corn. lyzuan; or from Lucerne, in Switzerland.]

A plant of the genus Medicago, cultivated for fodder.

LU'CID, a. [L. lucidus, from luceo, to shine. See Light.]

  1. Shining; bright; resplendent; as, the lucid orbs of heaven.
  2. Clear; transparent; pellucid; as, a lucid stream. – Milton.
  3. Bright with the radiance of intellect; not darkened or confused by delirium or madness marked by the regular operations of reason; as, the lucid intervals of a deranged man.
  4. Clear; distinct; presenting a clear view; easily understood; as, a lucid order or arrangement.


Brightness. [Not used.]

LU'CID-LY, adv.

Clearly; distinctly.