Dictionary: QUIN'CUNX – QUINT

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QUIN'CUNX, n. [L. composed of quinque, five, and uncia, ounce.]

In gardening, the quincunx order is a plantation of trees disposed in a square, consisting of five trees, one at each corner and a fifth in the middle, thus ׃׻׃‎‎; which order repeated indefinitely, forms a regular grove or wood, which viewed by an angle of the square or parallelogram, presents equal or parallel alleys.

QUIN-DEC'A-GON, n. [L. quinque, five, Gr. δεκα, and γωνια, angle.]

In geometry, a plain figure with fifteen sides and fifteen angles. – Encyc.

QUIN-DEC'EM-VIR, n. [L. quinque, five, decem, ten, and vir, man.]

In Roman history, one of a collection or body of fifteen magistrates, whose business was to preside over the sacrifices. – Encyc.


The body of fifteen magistrates, or their office.

QUIN'I-NA, n. [or QUIN'I-A, or QUI'NINE.]

An alkaloid obtained from various species of cinchona, and one of the active principles of these trees. It is a very important article of medicine, much used in the treatment of agues, certain sorts of mortification, &c.

QUIN-QUA-GES'I-MA, n. [L. fifty.]

Quinquagesima Sunday, so called as being about the fiftieth day before Easter; Shrove Sunday. – Encyc.

QUIN-QUAN'GU-LAR, a. [L. quinque; five, and angulus, angle.]

Having five angles or corners. – Woodward.

QUIN-QUAR-TIC'U-LAR, a. [L. quinque, five, and articulus, article.]

Consisting of five articles. [Little used.] – Sanderson.

QUIN-QUE-CAP'SU-LAR, a. [L. quinque, five, and capsula, a little chest.]

In botany, having five capsules. – Martyn.

QUIN-QUE-DEN'TATE, a. [L. quinque, five, and dentatus, toothed; dens, tooth.]

In botany, five-toothed.

QUIN-QUE-FA'RI-OUS, a. [L. quinque, five, and probably Sax. faran, to go, Eng. to fare, or from the root of vary.]

In botany, opening into five parts. – Lee.

QUIN'QUE-FID, a. [L. quinque, five, and findo, to split.]

In botany, five-cleft; cut about half way from the margin to the base into five segments with linear sinuses and straight margins; as a leaf. – Martyn.

QUIN-QUE-FO'LI-A-TED, a. [L. quinque, five, and folium, leaf.]

Having five leaves. – Johnson.

QUIN-QUE-LIT'ER-AL, a. [L. quinque, five, and litera, letter.]

Consisting of five letters. – M. Stuart.

QUIN'QUE-LO-BATE, or QUIN'QUE-LO-BED, a. [L. quinque, five, and lobus, lobe.]

Five-lobed; divided about to the middle, into five distinct parts with convex margins. – Martyn.

QUIN-QUE-LOC'U-LAR, a. [L. quinque, five, and loculus, a cell.]

Five-celled: having five cells; as a pericarp. – Martyn.


In history, public games celebrated every five years.

QUIN-QUEN'NI-AL, a. [L. quinquennalis, quinquennis; quinque, five, and annus, year.]

Occurring once in five years, or lasting five years. – Potter.

QUIN-QUEP'AR-TITE, a. [L. quinque, five, and partitus, divided.]

  1. 1, Divided into five parts almost to the base. – Martyn.
  2. Consisting of five parts.

QUIN'QUE-REME, n. [L. quinque, five, and remus, oar.]

A galley having five seats or rows of oars.

QUIN'QUE-VALVE, or QUIN-QUE-VALV'ULAR, a. [L. quinque, five, and valvæ, valves.]

Having five valves, as a pericarp.

QUIN'QUE-VIR, n. [L. quinque, five, and vir, man.]

One of an order of five priests in Rome.


Peruvian bark.

QUIN'SY, n. [s as z. corrupted from Fr. esquinancie, squinancie; It. squinanzia; Sp. esquinancia; L. cynanche; Gr. κυνάγχη, an inflammation of the throat.]

  1. An inflammation of the tonsils.
  2. Any inflammation of the throat, or parts adjacent.

QUINT, n. [from L. quintus, fifth, Fr. quinte.]

A set or sequence of five; as in piquet.