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  1. A square; a surface with four equal and parallel sides. – Wotton. Milton.
  2. In astrology, an aspect of the heavenly bodies, in which they are distant from each other ninety degrees, or the quarter of a circle; the same as quartile. – Dict.

QUAD'RATE, v.i. [L. quadro; Fr. quadrer, cadrer.]

To suit; to correspond; to agree with; to be accommodated; followed by with. Aristotle's rules for epic poetry … can not be supposed to quadrate exactly with modern heroic poems. – Addison.


Square; denoting a square or pertaining to it. Quadratic equation, in algebra, an equation in which the unknown quantity is of two dimensions or raised to the second power; or one in which the highest power of the unknown quantity is a square. – Encyc. Bailey.


  1. A square or squared figure. – Bailey.
  2. In geometry, a mechanical line by means of which we can find right lines equal to the circumference of circles or other curves and their several parts. – Encyc.

QUAD'RA-TURE, n. [L. quadratura.]

  1. The act of squaring; the reducing of a figure to a square. Thus the finding of a square which shall contain just as much area as a circle or a triangle, is the quadrature of that circle or triangle. – Encyc.
  2. A quadrate; a square. – Milton.
  3. In astronomy, the aspect of the moon when distant from the sun 90 degrees or a quarter of the circle; or when the moon is at an equal distance from the points of conjunction and opposition. Quadrature of curves, in mathematics, the finding of rectilineal figures containing the same areas as figures bounded by curved lines. – D. Olmsted.

QUAD'REL, n. [It. quadrello.]

In architecture, a kind of artificial stone made of chalky earth and dried in the shade for two years; so called from being square. – Encyc.

QUAD-REN'NI-AL, a. [L. quadriennium; quadra or quadrans, from quatuor, four, and annus, year.]

  1. Comprising four years; as, a quadrennial period.
  2. Occurring once in four years; as, quadrennial games.


Once in four years.

QUAD'RI-BLE, a. [L. quadro, to square.]

That may be squared. – Derham.

QUAD-RI-CAP'SU-LAR, a. [L. quadra and capsula.]

In botany, having four capsules.

QUAD'RI-CORN, n. [L. quatuor and cornu.]

The name of an animal with four horns.


Having four horns.

QUAD-RI-DEC'I-MAL, a. [L. quadra and decem.]

In crystalography, designating a crystal whose prism or the middle part has four faces and two summits, containing together ten faces.

QUAD-RI-DEN'TATE, a. [L. quadra and dentatus, toothed.]

In botany, having four teeth on the edge. – Martyn.

QUAD'RI-FID, a. [L quadrifidus; quadra and findo, to divide.]

In botany, four-cleft, i. e. divided about half-way from the margin to the base; as, a quadrifid perianth; cut about half-way into four segments, with linear sinuses and straight margins; as, a quadrifid leaf. – Martyn.

QUAD-RI'GA, n. [L.]

A car drawn by four horses abreast, as represented on the reverse of ancient medals.


Consisting of forty.

QUAD-RI'JU-GOUS, a. [L. quadra and jugum, yoke.]

In botany, pinnate, with four pairs of leaflets; as, a quadrijugous leaf.

QUAD-RI-LAT'ER-AL, a. [L. quadra, or quatuor, four, and latus, side.]

Having four sides and four angles.


A figure having four sides and four angles; a quadrangular figure. – Encyc.


The property of having four right-lined sides, forming as many right angles. – Dict.

QUAD-RI-LIT'ER-AL, a. [L. quadra, or quatuor, four, and litera, letter.]

Consisting of four letters. – Parkhurst. Asiat. Res.

QUA-DRILLE', n. [quadril', or cadril'; Fr.]

  1. A game played by four persons with 40 cards, being the remainder of the pack after the four tens, nines and eights are discarded. – Encyc.
  2. A kind of dance.


The number produced by involving million to the fourth power.

QUAD'RI-LO-BATE, or QUAD'RI-LO-BED, a. [L. quadra, or quatuor, four, and lobus, Gr. λοβος.]

In botany, having four lobes; as, a quadrilobed leaf. – Martyn.