Dictionary: ADZ – A-ER-O-DY-NAM'ICS

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ADZ, n. [Sax. adese; Sp. azuela; formerly written in Eng. addice.]

An iron instrument with an arching edge, across the line of the handle, and ground from a base on its inside to the outer edge; used for chipping a horizontal surface of timber. – Encyc.

AE, n. [Æ,]

A diphthong in the Latin language; used also by the Saxon writers. It answers to the Gr. αι. The Sax. æ has been changed into e or ea. In derivatives from the learned languages, it is mostly superseded by e, and convenience seems to require it to be wholly rejected in anglicized words. For such words as may be found with this initial combination, the reader will therefore search under the letter E.

AED, a. [ÆD, or ED, or EAD,]

Syllables found in names from the Saxon, signify happy; as, Eadric, happy kingdom; Eadrig, happy victory; Edward, prosperous watch; Edgar, successful weapon. – Gibson. Lye.

AE'DILE, n. [Æ'DILE; L.]

In ancient Rome, an officer or magistrate, who had the care of the public buildings, [ædes,] streets, highways, public spectacles, &c.

AE'GIL-OPS, n. [Æ'GIL-OPS; Gr. αιγιλωψ; αιξ, a goat, and ωψ, the eye.]

A tumor in the corner of the eye, and a plant so called. – Quincy.

AE'GIS, n. [Æ'GIS; Gr. αιγις, a goat skin, and shield; from αιξ, a goat.]

A shield, or defensive armor.

AEL, a. [ÆL, or AL, or ALH, or EAL,]

in Saxon, Eng. all, are seen in many names; as, in Ælfred, Alfred, all peace; Ælwin, all conqueror. – Gibson.

AELF, n. [ÆLF,]

Seems to be one form of help, but more generally written elph or ulph; as, in Ælfwin, victorious aid; Æthelwulph, illustrious help. Gibson.

AE-NE'ID, n. [Æ-NE'ID.]

The heroic poem of Virgil.

AE-O'LI-AN, a. [Æ-O'LI-AN.]

Pertaining to Æolus.

A-E'O-LIST, n. [L. Æolus.]

A pretender to inspiration. – Swift.

AE'O-LUS, n. [Æ'O-LUS.]

The god of the winds.

AE-QUIN'O-LITE, n. [See Pitchstone.]

A'E-RATE, v.t. [See Air.]

To combine with carbonic acid, formerly called fixed air. [The word has been discarded from modern chimistry.]

A'E-RA-TED, pp.

Combined with carbonic acid.

A'E-RAT'ING, ppr.

Combining with carbonic acid.


The act or operation of combining with carbonic acid.

A-E'RI-AL, a. [L. aërius. See Air.]

  1. Belonging to the air, or atmosphere; as, aerial regions.
  2. Consisting of air; partaking of the nature of air; as, aerial particles.
  3. Produced by air; as, aerial honey. – Pope.
  4. Inhabiting or frequenting the air; as, aerial songsters.
  5. Placed in the air; high; lofty; elevated; as, aerial spires; aerial flight.

A-E'RI-ANS, n.

In Church history, a branch of Arians, so called from Aerius, who maintained, that there is no difference between bishops and priests.

A'E-RIE, n. [e'ry; W. eryr, Corn. er, an eagle.]

The nest of a fowl, as of an eagle or hawk; a covey of birds. Shak.


  1. The act of combining air with; the state of being filled with air. – Fourcroy.
  2. The act of becoming air or of changing into an aeriform state, as substances which are converted from a liquid or solid form into gas or an elastic vapor; the state of being aeriform. Fourcroy.

A'ER-I-FIED, pp.

Having air infused, or combined with.

A'ER-I-FORM, a. [L. aer, air, and forma, form.]

Having the form or nature of air, or of an elastic, invisible fluid. The gases are aeriform fluids.

A'ER-I-FY, v.t.

To infuse air into; to fill with air, or to combine air with.

A-ER-O-DY-NAM'ICS, n. [Gr. αηρ and δυναμις.]

The science which treats of the motion of the air, and of the mechanical effects of air in motion. – Brande.