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CON-SERV'AN-CY', n. [L. conservans. See Conserve.]

A court of conservancy is held by the Lord Mayor of London, for the preservation of the fishery on the Thames. – Johnson.


Preserving; having the power or quality of preserving from decay or destruction.

CON-SERV-A'TION, n. [L. conservatio. See Conserve.]

The act of preserving, guarding, or protecting; preservation from loss, decay, injury, or violation; the keeping of a thing in a safe or entire state; as, the conservation of bodies from perishing; the conservation of the peace of society; the conservation of privileges.


The practice of preserving what is established.


Preservative; having power to preserve in a safe or entire state, or from loss, waste, or injury. – Peacham.


One who aims to preserve from ruin, innovation, injury, or radical change; one who wishes to maintain an institution, or form of government in its present state. [Modern usage.]


  1. A preserver; one who preserves from injury or violation. Appropriately, an officer who has the charge of preserving the public peace, as judges and sherifs; also, an officer who has the charge of preserving the rights and privileges of a city, corporation or community, as in Catholic universities. It is a word of extensive application.
  2. In Connecticut, a person appointed to superintend idiots, lunatics, &c., manage their property, and preserve it from waste.


Having the quality of preserving from loss, decay, or injury.


  1. A place for preserving any thing in a state desired, as from loss, decay, waste, or injury. Thus, a fish-pond for keeping fish, a granary for corn, an ice-house for ice and other things, a receptacle for water, &c., are called conservatories.
  2. A large green-house for exotics, in which the plants are planted in beds and borders, and not in tubs or pots, as in the common green-house.
  3. A society for promoting, or for preserving music in good taste.


  1. A sweetmeat made of the inspissated juice of fruit, boiled with sugar. – Johnson.
  2. In pharmacy, a form of medicine contrived to preserve the flowers, herbs, roots, or fruits of simples, as nearly as possible, in their natural fresh state. Fresh vegetables and sugar of the consistence of honey. – Encyc. Coxe.
  3. A conservatory. [Not usual.] Evelyn.

CON-SERVE', v.t. [conserv'; L. conservo; con and servo, to hold, keep, or guard; Fr. conserver; It. conservare; Sp. conservar. See Class Sr, No. 34, 38, 39, 40, 45, and Class Dr, No. 32.]

To keep in a safe or sound state; to save; to preserve from loss, decay, waste, or injury; to defend from violation; as, to conserve bodies from perishing; to conserve the peace of society; to conserve fruits, roots, and herbs, with sugar, &c.


Preserved in a safe and sound state; guarded; kept; maintained; protected; prepared with sugar.


One who conserves; one who keeps from loss or injury; one who lays up for preservation; a preparer of conserves. – Hayward. Temple.


Keeping in safety; defending; maintaining; preparing with sugar.

CON-SES'SION, n. [L. consessio. See Session.]

A sitting together. [Little used.]


One that sits with others. [Little used.]

CON-SID'ER, v.i.

  1. To think seriously, maturely or carefully; to reflect. None considereth in his heart, neither is there knowledge or understanding. – Is. xliv. In the day of adversity consider. – Eccles. vii.
  2. To deliberate; to turn in the mind; as in the case of a single person; to deliberate or consult, as numbers; sometimes followed by of; as, I will consider your case, or of your case. The apostles and elders come together to consider of this matter. – Acts xv.
  3. To doubt; to hesitate. – Dryden.

CON-SID'ER, v.t. [L. considero, to consider, to view attentively, from consido or consideo, to sit by; con and sedeo, to sit. See Sit. The literal sense is, to sit by or close, or to set the mind or the eye to; hence, to view or examine with attention.]

  1. To fix the mind on, with a view to a careful examination; to think on with care; to ponder; to study; to meditate on. Know, therefore, this day, and consider it in thy heart. – Deut. iv. Hast thou considered my servant Job? – Job i. Consider the lilies of the field how they grow. – Matth. vi.
  2. To view attentively; to observe and examine. The priest shall consider the leprosy. – Lev. xiii.
  3. To attend to; to relieve. Blessed is he that considereth the poor. – Ps. xli.
  4. To have regard to; to respect. Let us consider one another, to provoke to love, and to good works. – Heb. x.
  5. To take into view in examination, or into account in estimates; as, in adjusting accounts, services, time, and expense ought to be considered.
  6. In the imperative, consider is equivalent to, think with care, attend, examine the subject with a view to truth or the consequences of a measure. So we use see, observe, think, attend.
  7. To requite; to reward; particularly for gratuitous services.

CON-SID'ER-A-BLE, a. [Fr. and Sp. See Consider.]

  1. That may be considered; that is to be observed, remarked or attended to. It is considerable, that some urns have had inscriptions on them, expressing that the lamps were burning. – Wilkins. [This primary use of the word is obsolescent or very rarely used.]
  2. Worthy of consideration; worthy of regard or attention. Eternity is infinitely the most considerable duration. – Tillotson. As that which is worthy of regard is in some measure important, hence
  3. Respectable; deserving of notice; of some distinction; applied to persons. Men considerable in all worthy professions, eminent in many ways of life. – Spratt.
  4. Important; valuable; or moderately large, according to the subject. Considerable aid was expected from the allies. A man has a considerable estate in Norfolk. A considerable sum of money was collected. Sometimes followed by to. He thought his aid considerable to him.


Some degree of importance, moment or dignity; a degree of value or importance that deserves notice. The considerableness of things is to be estimated by their usefulness, or by their effects on society.


In a degree deserving notice; in a degree not trifling, or unimportant. And Europe still considerably gains / Both by their good examples and their pains. – Roscommon.


Consideration; reflection; sober thought. [Not used. See Consideration.] Shak.

CON-SID'ER-ATE, a. [L. consideratus. See Consider.]

  1. Given to consideration, or to sober reflection; thoughtful; hence, serious; circumspect; careful; discreet; prudent; not hasty or rash; not negligent. Æneas is patient, considerate, and careful of his people. – Dryden.
  2. Having respect to; regardful; as, considerate of praise. [Little used.]
  3. Moderate; not rigorous. – Johnson.


With deliberation; with due consideration; calmly; prudently. – Bacon.


Prudence; calm deliberation.