Dictionary: COOL'Y – CO'PAL

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COOL'Y, n.

An East Indian potter or carrier.

COOM, n. [Fr. cambouis; Sw. kim, soot.]

Soot that gathers over an oven's mouth; also, the matter that works out of the naves or boxes of carriage wheels. In Scotland, the useless dust which falls from coals.

COOMB, or COMB, n. [Qu. L. cumulus, or Gr. κυμβος.]

A dry measure of four bushels, or half a quarter.

COOP, n. [D. kuip, a tub; kuiper, a cooper; G. kufe; Fr. cuve; L. cupa, from bending, hollowness, or containing, holding. Qu. Gr. κυφος. The Latin cupa seems to be both coop and cup. See Cup.]

  1. A box of boards, grated or barred on one side, for keeping fowls in confinement. It is usually applied to long boxes for keeping poultry for fattening or conveyance on board of ships, as cage is used for a small box to keep singing birds in houses. I do not know that it is ever used in America for a pen to confine other animals.
  2. A pen; an inclosed place for small animals. – Johnson.
  3. A barrel or cask for the preservation of liquors. – Johnson.
  4. A tumbrel or close cart. – Encyc. Jamieson's Dict. [The three last senses, not American.]

COOP, v.t.

To put in a coop; to confine in a coop. Hence, to shut up or confine in a narrow compass; usually followed by up, to coop up; sometimes by in. The Trojans cooped within their walls. – Dryden. They are cooped in close by the laws of the country. – Locke.

COOP'ED, pp.

Shut up in a coop; confined to narrow limits.

COO-PEE', n.

A motion in dancing.

COOP'ER, n. [from coop; D. kuiper; G. küfer.]

One whose occupation is to make barrels, hogsheads, butts, tubs and casks of various kinds.


The price paid for cooper's work; also, a place where cooper's work is done.

CO-OP'ER-ATE, v.i. [L. con and opero, to work; Fr. cooperer; It. cooperare; Sp. cooperar.]

  1. To act or operate jointly with another or others, to the same end; to work or labor with mutual efforts to promote the same object. It has with before the agent, and to before the end. Russia cooperated with Great Britain, Austria and Prussia, to reduce the power of Buonaparte.
  2. To act together; to concur in producing the same effect. Natural and moral events cooperate in illustrating the wisdom of the Creator.


Acting or operating together.


The act of working or operating together, to one end; joint operation; concurrent effort or labor; as, the cooperation of the combined powers; the cooperation of the understanding and the will.


Operating jointly to the same end.


One who endeavors jointly with others to promote the same end.

CO-OP'TATE, v.t. [L. coopto.]

To choose, or choose with another. [Not used.]


Adoption; assumption. – Howell.


Joint ordinance.

CO-OR'DI-NATE, a. [L. con and ordinatus, from ordino, to regulate. See Order.]

Being of equal order, or of the same rank or degree; not subordinate; as, two courts of coordinate jurisdiction.


In the same order or rank; in equal degree; without subordination.


The state of being coordinate; equality of rank and authority.


The state of holding equal rank, or of standing in the same relation to something higher. In the high court of Parliament there is a rare coordination of power. – Howell.

COOT, n. [D. koet; W. cwtiar, from cwta, short, bob-tailed.]

A fowl of the genus Fulica, frequenting lakes and other still waters. The common coot has a bald forehead, a black body, and lobated toes, and is about fifteen inches in length. It makes its nest among rushes, with grass and reeds, floating on the water.

COP, n. [Sax. cop, or copp; W. cop, cob; D. kop; G. kopf; Fr. coupeau; Gr. κυβη.]

The head or top of a thing, as in cob-castle for cop-castle, a castle on a hill; a tuft on the head of birds. This word is little used in America, unless cob, the spike of maiz, may be the same word. – Chaucer.

CO-PAI'VA, n. [Sp. and Port.]

Balsam of dopaiba or capivi, is a liquid resinous juice flowing from incisions made in the stem of a tree called Copaifera officinalis, growing in Spanish America, in the province of Antiochia. This juice is clear, transparent, of a whitish or pale yellowish color, an agreeable smell, and a bitterish pungent taste. It is of the consistence of oil, or a little thicker. As a medicine: it is corroborating and detergent. – Encyc.

CO'PAL, n. [Mexican copalli, a generic name of resins. Clavigero.]

The concrete juice of a tree growing in Mexico or New Spain, hard, shining, transparent, citron-colored, and odoriferous. It is not strictly a gum nor a resin, as it has not the solubility in water common to gums, nor that in spirit of wine common to resins. In these respects it rather resembles amber. It may be dissolved by digestion in lintseed oil, with a heat little less than sufficient to boil or decompose the oil. This solution, diluted with spirit of turpentine, forms a beautiful transparent varnish. – Encyc. Nicholson.