a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |



Belonging to calculation. – Johnson.


Reckoning; computation. [Obs.] – Howel.

CAL'CU-LI, n. [plur. of Calculus, which see.]

CALC'U-LOUS, a. [Supra.]

  1. Stony; gritty; hard like stone; as, a calculous concretion. – Brown.
  2. Affected with the gravel or stone; as, a calculous person. – Sharp.

CALC'U-LUS, n. [L. See Calculate.]

  1. The stone in the bladder or kidneys.
  2. In mathematics; Differential calculus, is the arithmetic of the infinitely small differences of variable quantities; the method of differencing quantities, or of finding an infinitely small quantity, which, being taken infinite times, shall be equal to a given quantity. This coincides with the doctrine of fluxions. – Encyc.
  3. Exponential calculus, is a method of differencing exponential quantities; or of finding and summing up the differentials or moments of exponential quantities; or at least of bringing them to geometrical constructions. – Encyc.
  4. Integral calculus, is a method of integrating or summing up moments or differential quantities; the inverse of the differential calculus. – Encyc.
  5. Literal calculus, is specious arithmetic or algebra. – Encyc.

CAL'DRON, n. [cawl'dron; Old Fr. chauldron, now chaudron; Basque, galda, to heat; galdarea, a great kettle; It. caldaia, or caldaro, a caldron; caldo, heat and hot; Sp. calda, heat; caldear, to heat, to weld iron; caldera, a caldron; Port. caldeira, a caldron; L. caldarium, id.; calda, hot water; calidus, hot; from caleo, to be hot. This is from the root of Eng. scald.]

A large kettle or boiler, of copper, or other metal, furnished with a movable handle or bail, with which to hang it on a chimney hook. – Addison.




Pertaining to Caledonia, an ancient name of Scotland. The termination ia, signifies a country, and was added by the Romans. Caledon signifies probably, the hill or town of the Gaels, or Caels, the primitive inhabitants.


A native of Caledonia, now Scotland.

CAL-E-FA'CIENT, a. [See Calefaction, Calefy.]

Warming; heating.


That which warms or heats.


  1. n . [L. calefactio, from calefacio, to make warm. See Calefy.]
  2. The act or operation of warming or heating; the production of heat in a body by the action of fire, or by the communication of heat from other bodies. – Encyc.
  3. The state of being heated. – Johnson.

CAL-E-FAC'TIVE, or CAL-E-FAC'TO-RY, a. [See Calefaction.]

That makes warm or hot; that communicates heat.

CAL'E-FY, v.i. [L. calefio, to become warm, or hot; from caleo and fio or facio.]

To grow hot or warm; to be heated. – Brown.

CAL'E-FY, v.t.

To make warm or hot. – Johnson.

CAL'EN-DAR, n. [L. calendarium, an account book. See Calends.]

  1. A register of the year, in which the months, weeks, and days are set down in order, with the feasts observed by the church, &c.; an almanac. It was so named from the Roman Calendæ, the name given to the first day of the month, and written, in large letters, at the head of each month. [See Calends.] Encyc.
  2. A list of prisoners in the custody of the sherif. – Eng.
  3. An orderly table or enumeration of persons or things. – Encyc.
  4. In Congress, a list of bills prepared for the action of that body. Calendar-month, a solar month as it stands in almanacs.

CAL'EN-DAR, v.t.

To enter or write in a calendar.


A machine or hot press, used in manufactories to press cloths, for the purpose of making them smooth, even and glossy, laying the nap, watering them and giving them a wavy appearance. It consists of two thick rollers or cylinders, placed between boards or planks, the lower one being fixed, the upper one movable, and loaded with a great weight. – Encyc.

CAL'EN-DER, v.t. [Fr. calendrer; Sp. calentar, to heat, to urge or press forward; from caleo, to be hot.]

To press between rollers, for the purpose of making smooth, glossy and wavy; as woolen and silk stuffs and linens.


Made smooth.


Making smooth and glossy by being pressed between rollers.


The person who calenders cloth.


Pertaining to a calendar.

CAL'ENDS, n. [plur. L. calendæ, from calo, Gr. καλεω, Eng. to call. See Call.]

Among the Romans, the first day of each month. The origin of this name is differently related. Varro supposes it to have originated in the practice of notifying the time of the new moon, by a priest who called out or proclaimed the fact to the people, and the number of the calends, or the day of the nones. Others alledge that the people being convened, the pontifex proclaimed the several feasts or holidays in the month; a custom which was discontinued in the year of Rome 450, when the fasti or calendar was set up in public places, to give notice of the festivals. – Encyc. Adam's Rom. Antiq.

CAL'EN-TURE, n. [Sp. calentura, heat, a fever with irregular pulse; calentar, to heat; from L. caleo, to be hot. Russ. kalyu, to heat, to make red or red hot.]

A violent ardent fever, incident to persons in hot climates, especially natives of cooler climates. It is attended with delirium, and one of the symptoms is, that the person affected imagines the sea to be a green field, and sometimes attempting to walk in it, is lost. – Encyc. Coxe.