Dictionary: IN-SOL'U-BLE – IN-SPIRE'

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IN-SOL'U-BLE, a. [Fr. from L. insolubilis; in and solvo, to dissolve.]

  1. That can not be dissolved, particularly by a liquid. We say a substance is insoluble in water, when its parts will not separate and unite with that fluid.
  2. Not to be solved or explained; not to be resolved; as, a doubt or difficulty. [Not much used.]

IN-SOLV'A-BLE, a. [Fr. from L. in and solvo, to loosen or dissolve.]

  1. Not to be cleared of difficulty or uncertainty; not to be solved or explained; not admitting solution or explication; as, an insolvable problem or difficulty. Watts.
  2. That can not be paid or discharged. Pope.

IN-SOLV'EN-CY, n. [infra.]

  1. Inability of a person to pay all his debts; or the state of wanting property sufficient for such payment; as, a merchant's insolvency.
  2. Insuficiency to discharge all debts of the owner; as, the insolvency of an estate. Act of insolvency. [See infra, Insolvent law.]

IN-SOLV'ENT, a. [L. in and solvens, solvo, to solve, to free, to pay.]

  1. Not having money, goods or estate sufficient to pay all debts; as, an insolvent debtor.
  2. Not sufficient to pay all the debts of the owner; as, an insolvent estate.
  3. Respecting insolvent debtors; relieving an insolvent debtor from imprisonment for debt, or from liability to arrest or imprisonment for debts previously contracted; as, an insolvent law. Daggett. Sergeant. Insolvent law, or act of insolvency, a law which liberates a debtor from imprisonment, or exempts him from liability to arrest and imprisonment on account of any debt previously contracted. These terms may be considered as generic, comprehending also bankrupt laws, which protect a man's future acquisitions from his creditors. But in a limited sense, as the words are now generally used, an insolvent law extends only to protect the person of the debtor from imprisonment on account of debts previously contracted. Stat. of Conn. Wheaton's Rep.


A debtor unable to pay his debts. Sergeant.

IN-SOM'NI-OUS, a. [L. insomniosus; or in and somnus, sleep.]

Troubled with dreams; restless in sleep.

IN-SO-MUCH', adv. [in, so, and much.]

So that; to that degree. Simonides was an excellent poet, insomuch that he made his fortune by it. L'Estrange. [This word or combination of words is not deemed elegant, and is obsolescent, at least in classical composition.]


Close examination. [Not used.] Thompson.

IN-SPECT', v.t. [L. inspicio, inspectum; in and specio, to view.]

  1. To look on; to view or oversee for the purpose of examination. It is the duty of parents to inspect the conduct or manners of their children
  2. To look into; to view and examine for the purpose of ascertaining the quality or condition of a thing; as, to inspect potash; to inspect flour; to inspect arms.
  3. To view and examine for the purpose of discovering and correcting errors; as, to inspect the press, or the proof-sheets of a book.
  4. To superintend.


Viewed with care; examined by the eye or officially.


Looking on or into; viewing with care; examining for ascertaining the quality or condition.

IN-SPEC'TION, n. [Fr. from L. inspectio.]

  1. A looking on or into; prying examination; close or careful survey; as, the divine inspection into the affairs of the world. Bentley.
  2. Watch; guardianship; as, a youth placed at school under the inspection of a friend.
  3. Superintendence; oversight. The fortifications are to be executed under the inspection of an officer of the army.
  4. Official view; a careful viewing and examining of commodities or manufactures, to ascertain their quality; as, the inspection of flour.
  5. Official examination, as of arms, to see that they are in good order for service.




  1. One who inspects, views, or oversees; as, an inspector of morals; an inspector of the press.
  2. A superintendent; one to whose care the execution of any work is committed, for the purpose of seeing it faithfully performed.
  3. An officer whose duty is to examine the quality of goods or commodities offered for sale.
  4. An officer of the customs.
  5. A military officer whose duty is to inspect the troops and examine their arms.


The office of an inspector. Washington.


Sprinkled on. [Not used.]

IN-SPER'SION, n. [L. inspersio, inspergo; in and spargo, to scatter.]

The act of sprinkling on.

IN-SPEX'I-MUS, n. [We have inspected; the first word of ancient charters, &c.]

An exemplification.

IN-SPHERE', v.t. [in and sphere.]

To place in an orb or sphere. Milton.


Placed in a sphere.


Placing in a sphere.

IN-SPIR'A-BLE, a. [from inspire.]

  1. That may be inspired.
  2. That may be drawn into the lungs; inhalable; as air or vapors.

IN-SPI-RA'TION, n. [Fr. from L. inspiro.]

  1. The act of drawing air into the lungs; the inhaling of air; a part of respiration, and opposed to expiration.
  2. The act of breathing into any thing.
  3. The infusion of ideas into the mind by the Holy Spirit; the conveying into the minds of men, ideas, notices or monitions by extraordinary or supernatural influence; or the communication of the divine will to the understanding by suggestions or impressions on the mind, which leave no room to doubt the reality of their supernatural origin. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. 2 Tim. iii.
  4. The infusion of ideas or directions by the supposed deities of pagans.
  5. The infusion or communication of ideas or poetic spirit, by a superior being or supposed presiding power; as, the inspiration of Homer or other poet.


Pertaining to inspiration, or inhaling air into the lungs. Med. Repos.

IN-SPIRE', v.i. [L. inspiro; in and spiro, to breathe; Fr. inspirer.]

To draw in breath; to inhale air into the lungs; opposed to expire.