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Making entire.


The act of making entire.

IN-TEG'RI-TY, n. [Fr. integrité; L. integritas, from integer.]

  1. Wholeness; entireness; unbroken state. The constitution of the United States guaranties to each state the integrity of its territories. The contracting parties guarantied the integrity of the empire.
  2. The entire, unimpaired state of any thing, particularly of the mind; moral soundness or purity; incorruptness; uprightness; honesty. Integrity comprehends the whole moral character, but has a special reference to uprightness in mutual dealings, transfers of property, and agencies for others. The moral grandeur of independent integrity is the sublimest thing in nature, before which the pomp of eastern magnificence and the splendor of conquest are odious as well as perishable. Buckminster.
  3. Purity; genuine, unadulterated, inimpaired state; as, the integrity of language.

IN-TEG-U-MA'TION, n. [L. intego, to cover.]

That part of physiology, which treats of the integuments of animals and plants. Encyc.

IN-TEG'U-MENT, n. [L. integumentum, intego, to cover; in and tego. See Deck.]

That which naturally invests or covers another thing; but appropriately and chiefly, in anatomy, a covering which invests the body, as the skin, or a membrane that invests a particular part. The skin of seeds and the shells of crustaceous animals are denominated integuments. Encyc.

IN'TEL-LECT, n. [Fr. from L. intellectus, from intelligo, to understand. See Intelligence.]

That faculty of the human soul or mind, which receives or comprehends the ideas communicated to it by the senses or by perception, or by other means; the faculty of thinking; otherwise called the understanding. A clear intellect receives and entertains the same ideas which another communicates with perspicuity.

IN-TEL-LEC'TION, n. [Fr. from L. intellectio, from intelligo.]

The act of understanding; simple apprehension of ideas. Bentley.

IN-TEL-LECT'IVE, a. [Fr. intellectif.]

  1. Having power to understand. Glanville.
  2. Produced by the understanding. Harris.
  3. To be perceived by the understanding, not by the senses. Milton.

IN-TEL-LECT'U-AL, a. [Fr. intellectuel.]

  1. Relating to the intellect or understanding; belonging to the mind; performed by the understanding; mental; as, intellectual powers or operations.
  2. Ideal; perceived by the intellect; existing in the understanding; as, an intellectual scene. Pope.
  3. Having the power of understanding; as, an intellectual being.
  4. Relating to the understanding; treating of the mind; as, intellectual philosophy, now sometimes called mental philosophy.


The intellect or understanding. [Little used.] Milton.


One who overrates the understanding. Bacon.


The state of intellectual power. [Not used.] Hallywell.


By means of the understanding.

IN-TEL'LI-GENCE, n. [Fr. from L. intelligentia, from intelligo, to understand. This verb is probably composed of in, inter, or intus, within, and lego, to collect. The primary sense of understand is generally to take or hold, as we say, to take one's ideas or meaning.]

  1. Understanding; skill. Spenser.
  2. Notice; information communicated; an account of things distant or before unknown. Intelligence may be transmitted by messengers, by letters, by signals or by telegraphs.
  3. Commerce of acquaintance; terms of intercourse. Good intelligence between men is harmony. So we say, there is a good understanding between persons, when they have the same views, or are free from discord.
  4. A spiritual being; as, a created intelligence. It is believed that the universe is peopled with innumerable superior intelligences.


To inform; to instruct. [Little used.]


Informed; instructed. [Little used.] Bacon.


An office or place where information may be obtained, particularly respecting servants to be hired.


  1. One who sends or conveys intelligence; one who gives notice of private or distant transactions; a messenger. Bacon. Addison.
  2. A public paper; a newspaper.

IN-TEL'LI-GEN-CING, ppr. [or a.]

Giving or conveying notice to or from a distance.

IN-TEL'LI-GENT, a. [Fr. from L. intelligens.]

  1. Endowed with the faculty of understanding or reason. Man is an intelligent being.
  2. Knowing; understanding; well informed; skilled; as, an intelligent officer; an intelligent young man; an intelligent architect; sometimes followed by of; as, intelligent of seasons. Milton.
  3. Giving information. [Not used nor proper.] Shak.


  1. Consisting of unbodied mind. Food alike those pure / Intelligential substances require. Milton.
  2. Intellectual; exercising understanding. Milton.


In an intelligent manner.

IN-TEL-LI-GI-BIL'I-TY, or IN-TEL'LI-GI-BLE-NESS, n. [from intelligible.]

The quality or state of being intelligible; the possibility of being understood. Locke. Tooke.

IN-TEL'LI-GI-BLE, a. [Fr. from L. intelligibilis.]

That may be understood or comprehended; as, an intelligible account. The rules of human duty are intelligible to minds of the smallest capacity.


In a manner to be understood; clearly; plainly; as, to write or speak intelligibly.