Dictionary: IM-PRO-VIS'ION – IM-PURE'

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IM-PRO-VIS'ION, n. [s as z. in and provision.]

Want of forecast; improvidence. [Little used.] Brown.

IM-PROV'VI-SA-RE, v. [It.]

In music, to compose and sing extempore.


In music, unexpected.

IM-PRU'DENCE, n. [Fr. from L. imprudentia; in and prudentia; prudence.]

Want of prudence; indiscretion; want of caution, circumspection, or a due regard to the consequences of words to be uttered, or actions to be performed, or their probable effects on the interest, safety, reputation or happiness of one's self or others; heedlessness; inconsiderateness; rashness. Let a man of sixty attempt to enumerate the evils which his imprudence has brought on himself, his family, or his neighbors.

IM-PRU'DENT, a. [Fr. from L. imprudens; in and prudens, prudent.]

Wanting prudence or discretion; indiscreet; injudicious; not attentive to the consequences of words or actions; rash; heedless. The imprudent man often laments his mistakes, and then repeats them.


Without the exercise of prudence; indiscreetly.

IM'PU-DENCE, n. [Fr. from L. impudens; in and pudens, from pudeo, to be ashamed.]

Shamelessness; want of modesty; effrontery; assurance accompanied with a disregard of the opinions of others. Those clear truths, that either their own evidence forces us to admit, or common experience makes it impudence to deny. Locke.

IM'PU-DENT, a. [Fr. from L. impudens.]

Shameless; wanting modesty; bold with contempt of others; saucy. When we behold an angel, not to fear / Is to be impudent. Dryden.


Shamelessly; with indecent assurance. At once assail With open mouths, and impudently rail. Sandys.

IM-PU-DIC'I-TY, n. [L. impudicitia.]

Immodesty. Sheldon.

IM-PUGN', v.t. [impu'ne; Fr. impugner; Sp. impugnar.; L. impugno; in and pugno, to fight or resist.]

To oppose; to attack by words or arguments; to contradict. The lawfulness of lots is impugned by some, and defended by others. The truth hereof will not rashly impugn, or over-boldly affirm. Peacham.


Opposition. [Little used.] Bp. Hall.


Opposed; contradicted; disputed.


One who opposes or contradicts.


Opposing; attacking; contradicting.

IM-PU'IS-SANCE, n. [Fr. in and puissance.]

Impotence; weakness. [Obs.] Bacon.

IM-PU'IS-SANT, a. [Fr.]

Weak; impotent.

IM'PULSE, n. [im'puls; L. impulsus, from impello. See Impel.]

  1. Force communicated; the effect of one body acting on another. Impulse is the effect of motion, and is in proportion to the quantity of matter and velocity of the impelling body.
  2. Influence acting on the mind; motive. These were my natural impulses for the undertaking. Dryden.
  3. Impression; supposed supernatural influence on the mind. Meantime, by Jove's impulse, Mezentius armed, / Succeeded Turnus. Dryden.

IM-PUL'SION, n. [Fr. from L. impulsio. See Impel.]

  1. The act of driving against or impelling; the agency of a body in motion on another body. Bacon.
  2. Influence on the mind; impulse. Milton.

IM-PULS'IVE, a. [Fr. impulsif. See Impel.]

Having the power of driving or impelling; moving; impellent. Poor men! poor papers! We and they / Do some impulsive force obey. Prior.


With force; by impulse.


Not punctual.


Neglect of punctuality. A. Hamilton.

IM-PU'NI-TY, n. [Fr. impunité; L. impunitas; in and punio, to punish.]

  1. Exemption from punishment or penalty. No person should be permitted to violate the laws with impunity. Impunity encourages men in crimes.
  2. Freedom or exemption from injury. Some ferocious animals are not to be encountered with impunity.

IM-PURE', a. [Fr. impur; L. impurus; in and purus, pure.]

  1. Not pure; foul; feculent; tinctured; mixed or impregnated with extraneous substance; as, impure water or air; impure salt or magnesia.
  2. Obscene; as, impure language or ideas.
  3. Unchaste; lewd; unclean; as, impure actions.
  4. Defiled by sin or guilt; unholy; as persons.
  5. Unhallowed; unholy; as things.
  6. Unclean; in a legal sense; not purified according to the ceremonial law of Moses.