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A stone or mineral that gives out sparks when struck with steel or iron. Many other stones, besides this class of ignescents, produce a real scintillation when struck against steel. Fourcroy.


Producing fire.

IG'NI-FI-ED, pp.

Formed into fire.

IG-NIF'LU-OUS, a. [L. ignifluus.]

Flowing with fire. Cockeran.

IG'NI-FY, v.t. [L. ignis and facio.]

To form into fire. Stukely.

IG'NI-FY-ING, ppr.

Forming into fire.

IG-NIG'E-NOUS, a. [L. ignis, and Gr. γενναω.]

Produced by fire. It is supposed a part of the crust of the earth is ignigenous.

IG-NIP'O-TENT, a. [L. ignis, fire, and potens, powerful.]

Presiding over fire. Vulcan is called the power ignipotent. Pope.

IG'NIS-FAT-U-US, n. [L.]

A meteor or light that appears in the night, over marshy grounds, supposed to be occasioned by phosphoric matter extricated from putrefying animal or vegetable substances, or by some inflammable gas; vulgarly called Will with the whisp, and Jack with a lantern. Ed. Encyc.

IG-NITE', v.i.

To take fire; to become red with heat.

IG-NITE', v.t. [L. ignis, fire.]

  1. To kindle, or set on fire.
  2. More generally, to communicate fire to, or to render luminous or red by heat; as, to ignite charcoal or iron. Anthracite is ignited with more difficulty than bituminous coal.

IG-NIT'ED, pp.

  1. Set on fire.
  2. Rendered red or luminous by heat or fire.


Capable of being ignited.

IG-NIT'ING, ppr.

  1. Setting on fire; becoming red with heat.
  2. Communicating fire to; heating to redness.


  1. The act of kindling, or setting on fire.
  2. The act or operation of communicating fire or heat, till the substance becomes red or luminous.
  3. The state of being kindled; more generally, the state of being heated to redness or luminousness.
  4. Calcination.

IG-NIV'O-MOUS, a. [L. ignivomus; ignis, fire, and vomo, to vomit.]

Vomiting fire; as, an ignivomous mountain, a volcano. Derham.


Ignobleness. [Not in use.] Ball.

IG-NO'BLE, a. [Fr. from L. ignobilis; in and nobilis. See Noble.]

  1. Of low birth or family; not noble; not illustrious.
  2. Mean; worthless; as, an ignoble plant.
  3. Base; not honorable; as, an ignoble motive.


Want of dignity; meanness. Ainsworth.

IG-NO'BLY, adv.

  1. Of low family or birth; as, ignobly born.
  2. Meanly; dishonorably; reproachfully; disgracefully; basely. The troops ignobly fly.

IG-NO-MIN'I-OUS, a. [L. ignominiosus. See Ignominy.]

  1. Incurring disgrace; cowardly; of mean character. Then with pale fear surprised, Fled ignominious. Milton.
  2. Very shameful; reproachful; dishonorable; infamous. To be hanged for a crime is ignominious. Whipping, cropping and branding are ignominious punishments.
  3. Despicable; worthy of contempt; as, an ignominious projector. Swift


Meanly; disgracefully; shamefully.

IG'NO-MIN-Y, n. [L. ignominia; in and nomen, against name or reputation; Fr. ignominie.]

Public disgrace; shame; reproach; dishonor; infamy. Their generals have been received with honor after their defeat; yours with ignominy after conquest. Addison. Vice begins in mistake, and ends in ignominy. Rambler.

IG-NO-RA'MUS, n. [L. we are ignorant; from ignoro.]

  1. The indorsement which a grand jury make on a bill presented to them for inquiry, when there is not evidence to support the charges, on which all proceedings are stopped, and the accused person is discharged.
  2. An ignorant person; a vain pretender to knowledge. South.

IG'NO-RANCE, n. [Fr. from L. ignorantia; ignoro, not to know; ignarus, ignorant; in and gnarus, knowing.]

  1. Want, absence or destitution of knowledge; the negative state of the mind which has not been instructed in arts, literature or science, or has not been informed of facts. Ignorance may be general, or it may be limited to particular subjects. Ignorance of the law does not excuse a man for violating it. Ignorance of facts is often venial. Ignorance is preferable to error. Jefferson.
  2. Ignorance, in the plural, is used sometimes for omissions or mistakes; but the use is uncommon and not to be encouraged.