Dictionary: IN-DIC'A-TIVE – IN'DI-GENT

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IN-DIC'A-TIVE, a. [L. indicativus.]

  1. Showing; giving intimation or knowledge of something not visible or obvious. Reserve is not always indicative of modesty; it may be indicative of prudence.
  2. In grammar, the indicative mode is the form of the verb that indicates, that is, which affirms or denies; as, he writes, he is writing; they run; we misimprove advantages. It also asks questions; as, has the mail arrived?


In a manner to show or signify. Grew.


He or that which shows or points out. Smith.


Showing; serving to show or make known.

IN-DI-CA'VIT, n. [L.]

In England, a writ of prohibition which lies for the patron of a church whose incumbent is sued in the spiritual court, by another clergyman, for tithes amounting to a fourth part of the profits of the advowson. Blackstone.

IN'DICE, n. [See INDEX.]

IN'DI-CO-LITE, n. [indigo, or indico, and λιθος, a stone.]

In mineralogy, a variety of shorl or tourmalin, of an indigo blue color, sometimes with a tinge of azure or green. Cleaveland.

IN-DICT', v.t. [L. indictus, from indico; in and dico, to speak.]

In law, to accuse or charge with a crime or misdemeanor, in writing, by a grand jury under oath. It is the peculiar province of a grand jury to indict, as it is of a house of representatives to impeach. It is followed by of; as, indicted of treason or arson.

IN-DICT'A-BLE, a. [indi'table.]

  1. That may be indicted; as, an indictable offender.
  2. Subject to be presented by a grand jury; subject to indictment; as, an indictable offense.

IN-DICT'ED, pp. [indi'ted.]

Accused by a grand jury.


A person indicted.

IN-DICT'ER, n. [indi'ter.]

One who indicts.

IN-DICT'ING, ppr. [indi'ting.]

Accusing, or making a formal or written charge of a crime by a grand jury.

IN-DIC'TION, n. [Fr. from Low L. indictio, indico.]

  1. Declaration; proclamation. Bacon.
  2. In chronology, a cycle of fifteen years, instituted by Constantine the Great; originally, a period of taxation. Constantine having reduced the time which the Romans were obliged to serve in the army to fifteen years, imposed a tax or tribute at the end of that term, to pay the troops discharged. This practice introduced the keeping of accounts by this period. But, as it is said, in honor of the great victory of Constantine over Mezentius, Sept. 24, A. D. 312, by which Christianity was more effectually established, the council of Nice ordained that accounts of years should no longer be kept by Olympiads, but that the Indiction should be used as the point from which to reckon and date years. This was begun Jan. 1, A. D. 313. Johnson. Encyc.


Proclaimed; declared. Kennet.

IN-DICT'MENT, n. [indi'tement.]

  1. A written accusation or formal charge of a crime or misdemeanor, preferred to a court by a grand jury under oath. Blackstone.
  2. The paper or parchment containing the accusation of a grand jury.

IN'DIES, n. [plur. of India.]

IN-DIF'FER-ENCE, n. [Fr. from L. indifferentia; in and differo, to differ. Indifferency is little used.]

  1. Equipoise or neutrality of mind between different persons or things; a state in which the mind is not inclined to one side more than the other; as when we see a contest of parties with indifference.
  2. Impartiality; freedom from prejudice, prepossession or bias; as when we read a book on controverted points with indifference. [This is a different application of the first definition.]
  3. Unconcernedness; a state of the mind when it feels no anxiety or intetest in what is presented to it. No person of humanity can behold the wretchedness of the poor with indifference.
  4. State in which there is no difference, or in which no moral or physical reason preponderates; as when we speck of the indifference of things in themselves. Hooker.

IN-DIF'FER-ENT, a. [Fr. from L. indifferens.]

  1. Neutral; not inclined to one side, party or thing more than to another. Cato knows neither of them, / Indifferent in his choice to sleep or die. Addison.
  2. Unconcerned; feeling no interest, anxiety or care respecting any thing. It seems to be impossible that a rational being should be indifferent to the means of obtaining endless happiness. It was a remarkable law of Solon, that any person who, in the commotions of the republic, remained neuter, or an indifferent spectator of the contending parties, should be condemned to perpetual banishment. Addison.
  3. Having no influence or preponderating weight; having no difference that gives a preference. It is indifferent which road we take.
  4. Neutral, as to good or evil. Things in themselves indifferent, may be rendered evil by the prohibition of law.
  5. Impartial; disinterested; as, an indifferent judge, juror or arbitrator.
  6. Passable; of a middling state or quality; neither good, nor the worst; as, indifferent writing or paper. Indifferent, used adverbially, as indifferent honest, is ungrammatical and vulgar.


State of indifference. [Bad.] Carlisle.


  1. Without distinction or preference; as, to offer pardon indifferently to all. Addison.
  2. Equally; impartially; without favor, prejudice or bias. They may truly and indifferently minister justice. Common Prayer.
  3. In a neutral state; without concern; without wish or aversion. Set honor in one eye and death i' th' other, / And I will look on death indifferently. Shak.
  4. Not well; tolerably; passably; as, indifferently well; to be indifferently entertained.

IN'DI-GENCE, or IN'DI-GEN-CY, n. [Fr. indigence, from L. indigentia, from indigeo; in or ind, and egeo, to want, to lack.]

Want of estate, or means of comfortable subsistence; penury; poverty. A large portion of the human race live in indigence, while others possess more than they can enjoy.

IN'DI-GENE, n. [L. indigena; in or ind, and geno, gigno, to beget or to be born.]

One born in a country; a native animal or plant. Evelyn. Vattel.

IN-DIG'EN-OUS, a. [L. indigena, supra.]

  1. Native; born in a country; applied to persons.
  2. Native; produced naturally in a country or climate; not exotic; applied to vegetables.

IN'DI-GENT, a. [L. indigens; Fr. indigent.]

Destitute of property or means of comfortable subsistence; needy; poor. Charity consists in relieving the indigent. Addison.