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In an infinitive manner.

INFINITO, a. [or adv. Infinito; It.]

In music, perpetual, as a canon whose end leads back to the beginning.


  1. Infinity; infiniteness; the quality or state of being without limits; infinite extent; as, the infinitude of space, of time, or of perfections.
  2. Immensity; greatness.
  3. Boundless number. – Addison.

IN-FIN'I-TY, n. [Fr. infinité; L. infinitas.]

  1. Unlimited extent of time, space or quantity; boundlessness. We apply infinity to God and his perfections; we speak of the infinity of his existence, his knowledge, his power, his goodness and holiness.
  2. Immensity; indefinite extent.
  3. Endless or indefinite number; a hyperbolical use of the word; as, an infinity of beauties.

IN-FIRM', a. [inferm'; Fr. infirme; L. infirmus; in and firmus.]

  1. Not firm or sound; weak; feeble; as, an in firm body; an infirm constitution.
  2. Weak of mind; irresolute; as, infirm of purpose. – Shak.
  3. Not solid or stable. He who fixes on false principles, treads on infirm ground. – South.

IN-FIRM', v.t. [inferm'.]

To weaken. [Not used.] – Ralegh.

IN-FIRM'A-RY, n. [inferm'ary.]

A hospital or place where the sick are lodged and nursed.

IN-FIRM'A-TIVE, a. [Fr. infirmatif.]

Weakening; annulling, or tending to make void.

IN-FIRM'I-TY, n. [infermity; Fr. infirmité; L. infirmitas.]

  1. An unsound or unhealthy state of the body; weakness; feebleness. Old age is subject to infirmities.
  2. Weakness of mind; failing; fault; foible. A friend should bear a friend's infirmities. – Shak.
  3. Weakness of resolution.
  4. Any particular disease; malady; applied rather to chronic, than to violent diseases. – Hooker.
  5. Defect; imperfection; weakness; as, the infirmities of a constitution of government. – Hamilton.

IN-FIRM'LY, adv.

In an infirm manner.

IN-FIRM'NESS, n. [inferm'ness.]

Weakness; feebleness; unsoundness. – Boyle.

IN-FIX', v.i. [L. infixus, infigo; in and figo, to fix.]

  1. To fix by piercing or thrusting in; as, to infix a sting, spear or dart.
  2. To set in; to fasten in something.
  3. To implant or fix, as principles, thoughts, instructions; as, to infix good principles in the mind, or ideas in the memory.

IN-FIX'ED, pp.

Thrust in; set in; inserted; deeply implanted.

IN-FIX'ING, ppr.

Thrusting in; setting in; implanting.

IN-FLAME', v.i.

To grow hot, angry and painful. Wiseman.

IN-FLAME', v.t. [L. inflammo; in and flamma, flame.]

  1. To set on fire; to kindle; to cause to burn; in a literal sense. But more generally,
  2. To excite or increase, as passion or appetite; to enkindle into violent action; as, to inflame love, lust or thirst; to inflame desire or anger.
  3. To exaggerate; to aggravate in description. A friend exaggerates a man's virtues, an enemy inflames his crimes. [Unusual.] – Addison.
  4. To heat; to excite excessive action in the blood vessels; as, to inflame with wine.
  5. To provoke; to irritate; to anger.
  6. To increase; to exasperate; as, to inflame the enmity of parties, or the spirit of sedition.
  7. To increase; to augment; as, to inflame a presumption. – Kent.


Set on fire; enkindled; heated; provoked; exasperated.


The person or thing that inflames. – Addison.


Kindling; heating; provoking; exasperating.


Susceptibility of taking fire.


That may be set on fire; easily enkindled; susceptible of combustion; as, inflammable oils or spirits.


The quality of being susceptible of flame, or capable of taking fire; inflammability. – Boyle.


In an inflammable manner.

IN-FLAM-MA'TION, n. [L. inflammatio.]

  1. The act of setting on fire or inflaming.
  2. The state of being in flame. – Temple. Wilkins.
  3. In medicine and surgery, a redness and swelling of any part of an animal body, attended with heat, pain and febrile symptoms. – Encyc.
  4. Violent excitement; heat; animosity; turbulence; as, an inflammation of the body politic, or of parties.


  1. Inflaming; tending to excite heat or inflammation; as, medicines of an inflammatory nature.
  2. Accompanied with preternatural heat and excitement of arterial action; as, an inflammatory fever or disease.
  3. Tending to excite anger, animosity, tumult or sedition; as, inflammatory libels, writings, speeches or publications.