Dictionary: JOK-ING-LY – JOT

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JOK-ING-LY, adv.

In a joking way.

JOLE, n. [sometimes written jowl; Sax. ceole, the jaw or cheek; Ir. gial. Qu. Arm. chagell, contracted.]

  1. The cheek; used in the phrase, cheek by jole, that is, with the cheeks together, close, tête à tête. Dryden.
  2. The head of a fish. – Pope.

JOLE, v.t.

To strike the head against any thing; to clash with violence. [Not used.] – Shak.

JOL'LI-LY, adv. [See Jolly.]

With noisy mirth; with a disposition to noisy mirth. – Dryden.


Mirth; merriment. [Obs.] Spenser.

JOL'LI-NESS, or JOL'LI-TY, n. [from jolly.]

  1. Noisy mirth; gayety; merriment; festivity. All was now turned to jollity and game. – Milton.
  2. Elevation of spirit; gayety. He with a proud jollity commanded him to leave that quarrel for him who was only worthy to enter into it. – Sidney. [This word in America is not now applied to respectable company.]

JOL'LY, a. [Fr. joli, pretty; It. giulivo, joyful, merry. Qu. Sax. geola, gehol, a feast, the yule, or feast of the nativity.]

  1. Merry; gay; lively; full of life and mirth; jovial. It expresses more life and noise than cheerful; as, a jolly troop of huntsmen. – Shak. [It is seldom applied in colloquial usage to respectable company. We rarely say of respectable persons, they are jolly. It is applied to the young and the vulgar.]
  2. Expressing mirth or inspiring it. And with his jolly pipe delights the groves. – Prior. The coachman is swelled into jolly dimensions by frequent potations of malt liquors. – Irving.
  3. Exciting mirth and gayety; as, jolly May. – Dryden.
  4. Like one in high health; pretty. – South.

JOL'LY-BOAT, n. [Sw. julle, a yawl.]

A small boat belonging to a ship.

JOLT, n.

A shock or shake by a sudden jerk, as in a carriage. – Swift.

JOLT, v.i.

To shake with short abrupt risings and fallings, as a carriage moving on rough ground. The carriage jolts.

JOLT, v.t.

To shake with sudden jerks, as in a carriage on rough ground, or on a high trotting horse; as, the horse or carriage jolts the rider.

JOLT-ED, pp.

Shaken with sudden jerks.


He or that which jolts.


A greathead; a dunce; a blockhead. – Shak.

JOLT-ING, ppr.

Giving sudden jerks or shakes.


In a jolting manner.

JON'QUIL, a. [Fr. jonquille; It. giunchiglia, giunco; L. juncus, a rush, and It. giglio, a lily. It is sometimes called the rush-leafed daffodil.]

A plant of the genus Narcissus, bearing beautiful flowers of various colors, yellow and white. – Encyc.


A vessel for chamber uses. – Swift.

JO'SO, n.

A small fish of the gudgeon kind.

JOS'TLE, v.t. [jos'l; Fr. jouter, for jouster; It. giostrare; Sp. justar. Written also justle.]

To run against and shake; to push.


Run against; pushed. We say, a thing jostled out of its place.


A running against; a crowding.


Running against; pushing.

JOT, n. [Gr. ιωτα, Ch. Heb. yod, Syr. yudh, the name of the letter י or i.]

An iota; a point; a tittle; the least quantity assignable. Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all shall be fulfilled. – Matth. v. A man may read much, and acquire not a jot of knowledge or be a jot the wiser. – Anon.

JOT, v.t.

To set down; to make a memorandum of.