Dictionary: LIV'ER-WORT – LO

a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |



The name of many species of plants. Several of the lichens are so called. The liverworts (Hepaticæ) are a natural order of cryptogamian plants, whose herbage is generally frondose, and resembling the leafy lichens, but whose seeds are contained in a distinct capsule. The noble liverwort is the Hepatica triloba. – Smith. Lee.

LIV'ER-Y, n. [Norm. from Fr. livrer, to deliver.]

  1. The act of delivering possession of lands or tenements; a term of English law. It is usual to say, livery of seisin, which is a feudal investiture, made by the delivery of a turf, of a rod or twig, from the feoffor to the feoffee. In America, no such ceremony is necessary to a conveyance of real estate, the delivery of a deed being sufficient.
  2. Release from wardship; deliverance. – King Charles.
  3. The writ by which possession is obtained. – Johnson.
  4. The state of being kept at a certain rate; as, to keep horses at livery. – Spenser.
  5. A form of dress by which noblemen and gentlemen distinguish their servants. The Romish church has also liveries for confessors, virgins, apostles, martyrs, penitents, &c. Hence,
  6. A particular dress or garb, appropriate or peculiar to particular times or things; as, the livery of May; the livery of autumn. Now came still evening on, and twilight gray / Had in her sober livery all things clad. – Milton.
  7. The whole body of liverymen in London.

LIV'ER-Y, v.t.

To clothe in livery. – Shak.


  1. One who wears a livery; as a servant.
  2. In London, a freeman of the city, of some distinction. The liverymen are chosen from among the freemen of each company, and from their number are elected the common council, sherif and other superior officers of the city. They alone have the right of voting for members of parliament. – Encyc.


A stable where horses are kept for hire.

LIVES, n. [plur. of Life.]

LIVE'-STOCK, n. [live and stock.]

Horses, cattle and smaller domestic animals; a term applied in America to such animals as may be exported alive for foreign market.

LIV'ID, a. [Fr. livide; It. livido; L. lividus, from liveo, to be black and blue.]

Black and blue; of a lead color; discolored, as flesh by contusion. Upon my livid lips bestow a kiss. – Dryden.


A dark color, like that of bruised flesh. [Lividness is the preferable word.]


He or those who are alive; usually with a plural signification; as, in the land of the living. The living will lay it to his heart. – Eccles. ii.


  1. Means of subsistence; estate. He divided to them his living. – Luke xv. She of her want, did cast in all that she had, even all her living. Mark xii.
  2. Power of continuing life. There is no living with a scold. There is no living without trusting some body or other in some cases. – L'Estrange.
  3. Livelihood. He made a living by his occupation. The woman spins for a living.
  4. The benefice of a clergyman. He lost his living by non-conformity.

LIV'ING, ppr. [from live.]

  1. Dwelling; residing; existing; subsisting; having life or the vital functions in operation; not dead.
  2. adj. Issuing continually from the earth; running; flowing; as, a living spring or fountain; opposed to stagnant.
  3. adj. Producing action, animation and vigor; quickening; as, a living principle; a living faith.

LIV'ING-LY, adv.

In a living state. – Brown. Livonica terra, a species of fine bole found in Livonia, brought to market in little cakes.

LIV'RAI-SON, n. [Fr.; Eng. delivery, from livrer, to deliver.]

A part of a book or literary composition printed and delivered before the work is completed.

LI'VRE, n. [Fr.; L. libra.]

A French money of account, equal to 20 sous, or ten-pence sterling.

LIX-IV'I-AL, or LIX-IV'I-OUS, a. [L. lixivius, from lix, lye.]

  1. Obtained by lixiviation; impregnated with alkaline salt extracted from wood ashes. Lixivial salts are those which are obtained by passing water through ashes, or by pouring it on them.
  2. Containing salt extracted from the ashes of wood.
  3. Of the color of lye; resembling lye.
  4. Having the qualities of alkaline salts from wood ashes.


  1. Pertaining to lye or lixivium; of the quality of alkaline salts.
  2. Impregnated with salts from wood ashes.

LIX-IV'I-ATE, v.t. [L. lixivia, lixivium, lye.]

To form lye; to impregnate with salts from wood ashes. Water is lixiviated by passing through ashes.


Extracting alkaline salts by leaching ashes, forming lye.


The operation or process of extracting alkaline salts from ashes by pouring water on them, the water passing through them imbibing the salts.

LIX-IV'I-UM, n. [L. from lix, lye, Sp. lexia, Fr. lessive.]

Lye water impregnated with alkaline salts imbibed from wood ashes. It is sometimes applied to other extracts. – Boyle.

LIZ'ARD, n. [Fr. lezarde; L. lacertus; Sp. lagarto; It. lucerta, lucertola; Arm. glasard. If lizard is the L. lacerta, there has been a change of c into z or s, which may be the fact. In Ethiopic, latsekal is lizard. Gebelin deduces the word from an Oriental word leza, to hide. But this is doubtful.]

The popular English name of all saurian reptiles generally, as the crocodile, the alligator, the chamelion, &c.; or of the species of the genus Lacerta only. Lizards, in the widest sense, are covered with scales, and their bodies are supported either by four or two legs. Their hearts have two auricles.


A plant of the genus Saururus, and another of the genus Piper. – Fam. of Plants.

LLD, n. [LL. D.]

letters standing for Doctor of Laws, the title of an honorary degree.

LO, exclam. [Sax. la. Whether this is a contracted word or not, does not appear.]

Look; see; behold; observe. This word is used to excite particular attention in a hearer to some object of sight, or subject of discourse. Lo, here is Christ. Math. xxiv. Lo, we turn to the Gentiles. Acts xiii.