Dictionary: LOVE'-TOY – LOW'ER-ING-LY

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A small present from a lover. – Arbuthnot.


Art or artifice expressive of love. Other love-tricks than glancing with the eyes. – Donne.

LOV'ING, ppr.

  1. Entertaining a strong affection for; having tender regard for.
  2. adj. Fond; affectionate; as, a loving friend.
  3. Expressing love or kindness; as, loving words.


Tender regard; mercy; favor; a Scripture word. My loving-kindness will I not utterly take from him. – Ps. lxxxix.

LOV'ING-LY, adv.

With love; with affection; affectionately. It is no great matter to live lovingly with meek persons. – Taylor.


Affection; kind regard. The only two bands of good will, loveliness and lovingness. – Sidney.

LOW, a. [D. laag, G. leg, Sw. låg, low; Sax. loh, a pit or gulf; Russ. log, a low place, a hollow; Dan. lag, a bed or laver, a row; from the root of lay.]

  1. Not high or elevated; depressed below any given surface or place. Low ground or land, is land below the common level. Low is opposed to high, and both are relative terms. That which is low with respect to one thing, may be high with respect to another. A low house would be a high knee. A low flight for an eagle, would be a high flight for a partridge.
  2. Not rising to the usual highth; as, a man of low stature.
  3. Declining near the horizon. The sun is low at four o'clock in winter, and at six in summer.
  4. Deep; descending far below the adjacent ground; as, a low valley. The lowest bottom shook of Erebus. – Milton.
  5. Sunk to the natural level of the ocean by the retiring of the tide; as, low water.
  6. Below the usual rate or amount, or below the ordinary value; a low price of corn; low wages.
  7. Not high or loud; as, a low voice.
  8. Grave; depressed in the scale of sounds; as, a low note.
  9. Near or not very distant from the equator; as, a low latitude. We say, the low southern latitudes; the high northern latitudes.
  10. Late in time; modern; as, the lower empire.
  11. Dejected; depressed in vigor; wanting strength or animation; as, low spirits; low in spirits. His courage is low.
  12. Depressed in condition; a humble state. Why but to keep you low and ignorant? – Milton.
  13. Humble in rank; in a mean condition; as, men of high and low condition; the lower walks of life; a low class of people.
  14. Mean; abject; groveling; base; as, a person of low mind.
  15. Dishonorable; mean; as, a low trick or stratagem.
  16. Not elevated or sublime; not exalted in thought or diction; as, a low comparison; a low metaphor; low language. In comparison of these divine writers, the noblest wits of the heathen world are low and dull. – Felton.
  17. Vulgar; common; as, a low education.
  18. Submissive; humble; reverent. And pay their fealty / With low subjection. – Milton. But first low reverence done. – Ibm.
  19. Weak; exhausted of vital energy. His disease has brought him very low.
  20. Feeble; weak; without force; as, a low pulse.
  21. Moderate; not inflammatory; as, a low fever.
  22. Moderate; not intense; as, a low heat; a low temperature.
  23. Impoverished; in reduced circumstances. The rich are often reduced to a low condition.
  24. Moderate; as, a low calculation or estimate.
  25. Plain; simple; not rich, high seasoned or nourishing; as, low diet.

LOW, adv.

  1. Not aloft; not on high; often in composition; as, low-brow'd rocks. – Milton. Pope.
  2. Under the usual price; at a moderate price. He sold his wheat low.
  3. Near the ground; as, the bird flies very low.
  4. In a mean condition; in composition; a low-born fellow; a low-born lass. – Shak.
  5. In time approaching our own. In the part of the world which was first inhabited, even as low down as Abraham's time, they wandered with their flocks and herds. – Locke.
  6. With a depressed voice; not loudly; as, speak low.
  7. In a state of subjection, poverty or disgrace; as, to be brought low by oppression, by want or by vice.

LOW, or LOWE, n. [-low or –lowe.]

A termination of names, as, in Bed-low. [Sax. hlaw, a hill, heap or barrow, Goth. hlaiw.]

LOW, v.i. [Sax. hleowan; D. læijen. It is probably a contracted word, coinciding with L. lugeo, to weep, the sense of which is, to cry out.]

To bellow, as an ox or cow. The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea. – Gray.

LOW, v.t.

To sink; to depress. [Not used.] – Wickliffe.


Having a low arch. – Scott.

LOW'BELL, n. [Sw. låge, flame; låga, to flame; Sax. læg, leg, lig, id.; Scot. lowe; G. loke.]

A kind of fowling in the night, in which the birds are wakened by a bell, and blinded by light, so as to be easily taken. – Cowel.

LOW'BELL, v.t.

To scare, as with a lowbell. – Hammond.


Born in low life.


Bred in a low condition or manner; vulgar.

LOW'ER, a. [comp. of low.]

Less high or elevated.

LOW'ER, n.

  1. Cloudiness; gloominess.
  2. A frowning; sullenness. – Sidney.

LOW'ER, v.i. [from low.]

  1. To cause to descend; to let down; to take or bring down; as, to lower the main-sail off a sloop.
  2. To stiffer to sink downward. – Woodward.
  3. To bring down; to reduce or humble; as, to lower the pride of man.
  4. To lessen; to diminish; to reduce, as value or amount; as, to lower the price or value of goods, or the rate of interest.

LOW'ER, v.i.

To fall; to sink; to grow less. – Shak.

LOW'ER, v.i.

  1. To appear dark or gloomy; to be clouded; to threaten a storm. And all the clouds that lowered upon your house. – Shak. The lowering spring. – Dryden.
  2. To frown; to look sullen. But sullen discontent sat towering on her face. – Dryden.

LOW'ER-ED, pp.

Caused to descend; let down; sunk.

LOW'ER-ING, ppr.

Appearing dark or threatening.

LOW'ER-ING, ppr.

Letting down; sinking.


With cloudiness or threatening gloom.