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QUER'CIT-RON, n. [L. quercus, an oak, and citrina, lemon-colored, a name imposed by Dr. Edward Bancroft.]

  1. The Quercus tinctoria, black oak, or dyer's oak, which grows from Canada to Georgia, and west to the Mississippi. It frequently attains the height of 70 or 80 feet, and is one of the largest trees of the American forest.
  2. The bark of Quercus tinctoria, a valuable article in dyeing and calico printing, first brought before the public by Dr. Bancroft. Although this oak affords a yellow color yet it is not the yellow oak, that name being commonly applied to Quercus Castanea.

QUER'ELE, n. [L. querela; Fr. querelle.]

A complaint to a court. [Not in use. See Audita querela.] – Ayliffe.

QUE'RENT, n. [L. quærens, quæro, to inquire.]

An inquirer. [Not much used.] – Aubrey.

QUE'RENT, n. [L. querens, queror, to complain.]

The complainant; the plaintif. [Not in use.]

QUER-I-MO'NI-OUS, a. [L. querimonia, complaint, from queror.]

Complaining; querulous; apt to complain.


With complaint; querulously.


Disposition to complain; a complaining temper.

QUE'RIST, n. [from L. quæro, to inquire.]

One who inquires or asks questions. – Swift.




Choked. [Illegitimate and obsolete.]

QUERL, v.t. [G. querlen.]

To twirl; to turn or wind round; to coil; as, to querl a cord, thread or rope. [This is a legitimate English word, in common use in New England. It may be a dialectical variation of whirl, Dan. hvirvler, and twirl.]

QUERN, n. [Sax. cwyrn, cweorn; Goth. quairn; D. kweern; Dan. qvern; Sw. qvarn. Qu. W. cwyrn, a quick motion, a whirl.]

A hand-mill for grinding grain; a mill, the stone of which was turned by hand, used before the invention of windmills and watermills. – Shak.

QUERP'O, n. [Sp. cuerpo, the body, L. corpus; Sp. en cuerpo de camisa, half dressed, having on a shirt only.]

A waistcoat or garment close to the body. – Dryden.

QUER'QUE-DULE, n. [L. querquedula.]

An aquatic fowl, a species of teal of the genus Anas. –Encyc.


A groom. [See Equerry.]

QUER'U-LOUS, a. [L. querulus, from queror, to complain. See Quarrel.]

  1. Complaining, or habitually complaining; disposed to murmur; as, a querulous man or people. – Hooker.
  2. Expressing complaint; as, a querulous tone of voice.


In a complaining manner. – Young.


Disposition to complain, or the habit or practice of murmuring.

QUE'RY, n. [from L. quære, imperative of quæro; perhaps Ch. and Heb. הקר, to seek, to search, to inquire; כקר, id.; Ar. قَرَا karau, to follow, to seek. Class Gr, No. 51, 53, 55. The sense is to press on, to follow, to urge.]

A question; an inquiry to be answered or resolved. I will conclude by proposing some queries. – Newton.

QUE'RY, v.i.

To ask a question or questions. Three Cambridge sophs Each prompt to query, answer and debate. – Pope.

QUE'RY, v.t.

  1. To seek; to inquire; as, query the sum or amount; query the motive or the fact.
  2. To examine by questions. – Gayton.
  3. To doubt of.

QUEST, n. [Fr. quête, for queste; L. quæro, quæstus. As the letter r is rarely changed into s, perhaps the L. quæsivi, quæstus, may be from the root of quæso, W. ceisiaw, to seek, to endeavor, cais, effort. See Class Gs, No. 35.]

  1. The act of seeking; search; as, to rove in quest of game; to go in quest of a lost child; in quest of property, &c. – Milton. Addison.
  2. Inquest; a jury. [Not used.] – Shak.
  3. Searchers, collectively. [Not used.] – Shak.
  4. Inquiry; examination. [Not used.] – Shak.
  5. Request; desire; solicitation. Gad not abroad, at every quest and call Of an untrain'd hope or passion. – Herbert.

QUEST, v.i.

To go in search. [Not used.]

QUEST, v.t.

To search or seek for. – Herbert.

QUEST'ANT, n. [supra.]

A seeker. [Not used.] – Shak.