Dictionary: QUOOK – QUO-WAR'RAN-TO

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QUOOK, v. [pret of Quake. Obs.]

– Spenser.

QUO'RUM, n. [L. gen. plur. of qui, who.]

  1. A bench of justices, or such a number of officers or members as is competent by law or constitution to transact business; as, a quorum of the house of representatives. A constitutional quorum was not present.
  2. A special commission of justices.

QUORUM-PARS-FUI, a. [Quorum pars fui; L.]

Of which or whom I was a part.

QUO'TA, n. [L. quotus; It. and Sp. quota; Ir. cod, cota, a part.]

A just part or share; or the share, part or proportion assigned to each. Each state was ordered to furnish its quota of troops.


That may be quoted or cited.

QUO-TA'TION, n. [from quote.]

  1. The act of quoting or citing.
  2. The passage quoted or cited; the part of a book or writing named, repeated or adduced as evidence or illustration. – Locke.
  3. In mercantile language, the naming of the price of commodities; or the price specified to a correspondent.
  4. Quota; share. [Not used.]


A note upon an author. [Obs.] – Cotgrave.

QUOTE, v.t. [Fr. quoter, now coter; connected with quoth.]

  1. To cite, as a passage from some author; to name, repeat or adduce a passage from an author or speaker, by way of authority or illustration; as, to quote a passage from Homer; to quote the words of Peter, or a passage of Paul's writings; to quote chapter and verse. – Atterbury. Swift.
  2. In commerce, to name, as the price of an article.
  3. To note. – Shak.

QUOT'ED, pp.

Cited; adduced; named.


That can not be quoted.


One that cites the words of an author or speaker.

QUOTH, v.i. [Sax. cwythan, cythan, Goth. quithan, to say, to tell; W. gwed, gwedyd; Ir. ceadach. Qu. L. inquio, contracted.]

To say; to speak. This verb is defective, being used only in the first and third persons in the present and past tenses; as, quoth I, quoth he, and the nominative always follows the verb. It is used only in ludicrous language, and has no variation for person, number or tense.

QUO-TID'I-AN, a. [L. quotidianus; quotus and dies.]

Daily; occurring or returning daily; as, a quotidian fever.


  1. A fever whose paroxysms return every day.
  2. Any thing returning daily. – Milton.

QUO'TIENT, n. [Fr. from L. quoties, how often.]

In arithmetic, the number resulting from the division of one number by another, and showing how often a less number is contained in a greater. Thus 3)12(4. Here 4 is the quotient, showing that 3 is contained 4 times in 12. Or quotient is an expression denoting a certain part of a unit; as ¾.

QUOT'ING, ppr.

Citing; adducing; naming.

QUO-WAR'RAN-TO, n. [Quo Warranto.]

In Law Latin, a writ brought before a proper tribunal, to inquire by what warrant a person or corporation exercises certain powers. – Blackstone.