Definition for E-MERGE'

E-MERGE', v.i. [emerj'; L. emergo; e, ex, and mergo, to plunge.]

  1. To rise out of a fluid or other covering or surrounding substance; as, to emerge from the water or from the ocean. Thetis – emerging from the deep. Dryden We say, a planet emerges from the sun's light; a star emerging from chaos. It is opposed to immerge.
  2. To issue; to proceed from. Newton
  3. To reappear, after being eclipsed; to leave the sphere of the obscuring object. The sun is said to emerge, when the moon ceases to obscure its light; the satellites of Jupiter emerge, when they appear beyond the limb of the planet.
  4. To rise out of a state of depression or obscurity; to rise into view; as, to emerge from poverty or obscurity; to emerge from the gloom of despondency.

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