Definition for BAR'RA-TOR

BAR'RA-TOR, n. [Old Fr. barat, strife, deceit; Cimbric, baratton; Ice. and Scandinavian, baratta, contest; It. baratta, strife, quarrel; barattare, to barter, to cheat; Sp. barato, fraud, deceit; baratar, to barter, to deceive. The radical sense is, to turn, wind, and twist, whence to strive; L. verto; Eng. barter. See Barter.]

  1. One who frequently excites suits at law; a common mover and maintainer of suits and controversies; an encourager of litigation. – Coke. Blackstone.
  2. The master of a ship who commits any fraud, in the management of the ship, or in relation to his duties as master, by which the owner or insurers are injured.

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