Definition for BE-HAV'IOR

BE-HAV'IOR, n. [beha'vyur; See Behave.]

Manner of behaving, whether good or bad; conduct; manners; carriage of one's self, with respect to propriety, or morals; deportment. It expresses external appearance or action; sometimes in a particular character; more generally in the common duties of life; as, our future destiny depends on our behavior in this life. It may express correct or good manners, but I doubt whether it ever expresses the idea of elegance of manners, without another word to qualify it. To be upon one's behavior, is to be in a state of trial, in which something important depends on propriety of conduct. The modern phrase is to be or to be put, upon one's good behavior. Judges hold their office during good behavior; that is, during the integrity and fidelity of their official conduct.

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