Definition for SCRAB'BLE

SCRAB'BLE, v.i. [D. krabbelen, to scrape, to scribble; krabben, to scrape; G. krabbeln, graben. This word belongs to the root of scrape, L. scribo, Eng. grave, engrave, &c. See Scrape.]

  1. To scrape, paw or scratch with the hands; to move along on the hands and knees by clawing with the hands; to scramble; as, to scrabble up a cliff or a tree. [A word in common popular use in New England, but not elegant.]
  2. To make irregular or crooked marks; as, children scrabble when they begin to write; hence, to make irregular and unmeaning marks. David … scrabbled on the doors of the gate. – 1 Sam. xxi.

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