Definition for MAKE

MAKE, v.i.

  1. To tend; to proceed; to move. He made toward home. The tiger made at the sportsman. Formerly authors used to make away, to make on, to make forth, to make about; but these phrases are obsolete. We now say, to make at, to make toward.
  2. To contribute; to have effect. This argument makes nothing in his favor. He believes wrong to be right, and right to be wrong, when it makes for his advantage.
  3. To rise; to flow toward land; as, the tide makes fast. To make as if, to show; to appear; to carry appearance. Joshua and all Israel made as if they were beaten before them and fled. Josh. viii. To make away with, to kill; to destroy. To make for, to move toward; to direct a course toward; as, we apprehended a tempest approaching, and made for a harbor. #2. To tend to advantage; to favor. A war between commercial nations makes for the interest of neutrals. To make against, to tend to injury. This argument makes against his cause. To make out, to succeed; to have success at last. He made out to reconcile the contending parties. To make up, to approach. He made up to us with boldness. To make up for, to compensate; to supply by an equivalent. Have you a supply of friends to make up for those who are gone? Swift. To make up with, to settle differences; to become friends. To make with, to concur. Hooker.

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