Definition for CAP'I-TAL

CAP'I-TAL, a. [L. capitalis, from caput, the head. See Cape.]

  1. Literally pertaining to the head; as, a capital bruise, in Milton, a bruise on the head. [This use is not common.]
  2. Figuratively, as the head is the highest part of a man, chief; principal; first in importance; as, a capital city or town; the capital articles of religion.
  3. Punishable by loss of the bead or of life; incurring the forfeiture of life; punishable with death; as, treason and murder are capital offenses or crimes.
  4. Taking away life, as a capital punishment; or affecting life, as a capital trial.
  5. Great, important, though perhaps not chief; as, a town possesses capital advantages for trade.
  6. Large; of great size; as capital letters, which are of different form, and larger than common letters. Capital stock, is the sum of money or stock which a merchant, banker or manufacturer employs in his business; either the original stock or that stock augmented, Also, the sum of money or stock which each partner contributes to the joint fund or stock of the partnership; also, the common fund or stock of the company, whether incorporated or not. A capital city or town is the metropolis or chief city of an empire, kingdom, state or province. The application of the epithet indicates the city to be the largest, or to be the seat of government, or both. In many instances the capital, that is, the largest city, is not the seat of government.

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