Definition for CONE

CONE, n. [Fr. cone; It. and Sp. cono; from L. conus; Gr. κονως; W. con, that which shoots to a point, from extending; W. connyn, a tail; conyn, a stalk; cono, a spruce fellow. It coincides in radical sense with the root of can and begin.]

  1. A solid body or figure having a circle for its base, and its top terminated in a point or vertex, like a sugar-loaf.
  2. In botany, the conical fruit of several evergreen trees, as of the pine, fir, cedar and cypress. It is composed of woody scales, usually opening, and has a seed at the base of each scale. – Martyn. A cone of rays, in optics, includes all the rays of light which proceed from a radiant point and fall upon the surface of glass. – Encyc. A right cone, is when its axis is perpendicular to its base, and its sides equal. It is formed by the revolution of a right-angled plane triangle about one of its sides. A scalene cone, is when its axis is inclined to its base and its sides unequal. – Bailey.

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