Definition for DE-FRAUD'

DE-FRAUD', v.t. [L. defraudo; de and fraudo, to cheat, fraus, fraud; It. defraudare; Sp. defraudar.]

  1. To deprive of right, either by obtaining something by deception or artifice, or by taking something wrongfully without the knowledge or consent of the owner; to cheat; to cozen; followed by of before the thing taken; as, to defraud a man of his right. The agent who embezzles public property defrauds the state. The man who by deception obtains a price for a commodity above its value, defrauds the purchaser. We have corrupted no man, we have defrauded no man. – 2 Cor. vii.
  2. To withhold wrongfully from another what is due to him. Defraud not the hireling of his wages.
  3. To prevent one wrongfully from obtaining what he may justly claim. A man of fortune who permits his son to consume the season of education in hunting, shooting, or in frequenting horse-races, assemblies, &c., defrauds the community of a benefactor, and bequeaths them a nuisance. – Paley.
  4. To defeat or frustrate wrongfully. By the duties deserted … by the claims defrauded. – Paley.

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