Definition for DRILL

DRILL, v.t. [Sax. thirlian; G. and D. drillen; Dan. driller; Sw. drilla; to turn, wind or twist; W. rhill, a row or drill; rhilliaw, to drill, to trench; truliaw, to drill, as a hole; troel, a whirl; troelli, to turn or whirl. The latter is evidently connected with roll. Class Rl, No. 4.]

  1. To pierce with a drill; to perforate by turning a sharp pointed instrument of a particular form; to bore and make a hole by turning an instrument. We say, to drill a hole through a piece of metal, or to drill a cannon.
  2. To draw on; to entice; to amuse and put off. She drilled him on to five and fifty. [Not elegant.] – Addison.
  3. To draw on from step to step. [Not elegant.] – South.
  4. To draw through; to drain; as, waters drilled through a sandy stratum. – Thomson.
  5. In a military sense, to teach and train raw soldiers to their duty, by frequent exercise; a common and appropriate use of the word. Hence, to teach by repeated exercise or repetition of acts.
  6. In husbandry, to sow grain in rows, drills or channels.

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