Definition for AS

AS, adv. [az; Pers. اَسَا asa, like, similar, as; Gr. ὡς; Qu. Fr. aussi. But more probably the English word is contracted from als, G. and D. It corresponds in sense with the Persian.]

  1. Literally, like; even; similar. “Ye shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.” “As far as we can see,” that is, like far, equally far. Hence it may be explained by in like manner; as, do as you are commanded.
  2. It was formerly used where we now use that. [Obs.] The relations are so uncertain as they require a great deal of examination. – Bacon.
  3. It was formerly used for as if. [Obs.] He lies, as he his bliss did know. – Waller.
  4. While; during; at the same time. “He trembled as he spoke.” But in most of its uses, it is resolvable into like, equal, even, or equally, in like manner. In some phrases, it must be considered a nominative word, or other words must be supplied. “Appoint to office such men as deserve public confidence.” This phrase may be elliptical for “such men as those who deserve public confidence.” As seems, in some cases, to imply the sense of proportion. “In general, men are more happy, as they are less involved in public concerns.” As, in a subsequent part of a sentence, answers to such; give us such things as you please; and in a preceding part of a sentence, has so to answer to it; as with the people, so with the priest.

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