Definition for QUAR'REL

QUAR'REL, v.i. [Fr. quereller. See the noun.]

  1. To dispute violently or with loud and angry words; to wrangle; to scold. How odious to see husband and wife quarrel!
  2. To fight; to scuffle; to contend; to squabble; used of two persons or of a small number. It is never used of armies and navies in combat. Children and servants often quarrel about trifles. Tavern-hunters sometimes quarrel over their cups.
  3. To fall into variance. Our people quarrel with obedience. – Shak.
  4. To find fault; to cavil. I will not quarrel with a slight mistake. – Roscommon. Men at enmity with their God, quarreling with his attributes – quarreling with the Being that made them, and who is constantly doing them good. – Eliph. Steele.
  5. To disagree; to be at variance; not to be in accordance in form or essence. Some things arise of strange and quarr'ling kind, / The forepart lion, and a snake behind. – Cowley.

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