Definition for KIND

KIND, n. [Sax. cyn, or cynn. See Kin.]

  1. Race; genus; generic class; as in mankind or human kind. In technical language, kind answers to genus.
  2. Sort, in a sense more loose than genus; as, there are several kinds of eloquence and of style, many kinds of music, many kinds of government, various kinds of architecture or of painting, various kinds of soil, &c.
  3. Particular nature; as, laws most perfect in their kind. – Bacon.
  4. Natural state; produce or commodity, as distinguished from money; as, taxes paid in kind.
  5. Nature; natural propensity or determination. Some of you, on pure instinct of nature, / Are led by kind t' admire your fellow creature. – Dryden.
  6. Manner; way. [Little used.] – Bacon.
  7. Sort. He spoke with a kind of scorn or contempt.

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