Definition for FLAC'CID

FLAC'CID, a. [L. flaccidus, from flacceo, to hang down, to flag; Sp. floxo; Port. froxo; Ir. floch; W. llac, and llag, slack, sluggish, lax; llaciaw, to slacken, to relax, to droop; llaca, slop, mud; lleigiaw, to flag, to lag, to skulk; lleigus, flagging, drooping, sluggish, slow. We see that flaccid, flag, slack, sluggish, slow, and lag, are all of this family. See Class Lg, No. 40, 41, 42, 43.]

Soft and weak; limber; lax; drooping; hanging down by its own weight; yielding to pressure for want of firmness and stiffness; as, a flaccid muscle; flaccid flesh.

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