Definition for FLUSH

FLUSH, v.i. [G. fliessen, imperf. floss, to flow; D. vlieten, in a different dialect. It coincides in elements with blush, blaze and flash.]

  1. To flow and spread suddenly; to rush; as, blood flushes into the face.
  2. To come in haste; to start. B. Jonson.
  3. To appear suddenly, as redness or a blush. A blush rose on their cheeks, / Flushing and fading like the changeful play / Of colors on a dolphin. Percival.
  4. To become suddenly red; to glow; as, the cheeks flush.
  5. To be gay, splendid or beautiful. At once, arrayed / In all the colors of the flushing year, / The garden glows. Thomson.

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