Definition for FORTH

FORTH, adv. [Sax. forth; G. fort; D. voort; from fore, for, faran, to go, to advance.]

  1. Forward; onward in time; in advance; as, from that day forth; from that time forth.
  2. Forward in place or order; as, one, two, three, and so forth.
  3. Out; abroad; noting progression or advance from a state of confinement; as, the plants in spring put forth leaves. When winter past, and summer scarce begun, / Invites them forth to labor in the sun. Dryden.
  4. Out; away; beyond the boundary of a place; as, send him forth of France. [Little used.]
  5. Out into public view, or public character. Your country calls you forth into its service.
  6. Thoroughly; from beginning to end. [Obs.] Shak.
  7. On to the end. [Obs.]

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