Definition for EX'TRI-CATE

EX'TRI-CATE, v.t. [L. extrico. The primary verb trico not in the Latin. We probably see its affinities in the Greek θριξ, τριχος, hair, or a bush of hair, from interweaving, tangling. I suspect that τρεις; and three are contracted from this root; three for threg, folded, or a plexus. The same word occurs in intricate and intrigue; Fr. tricher, to cheat; tricoter, to weave; Eng. trick; It. treccia, a lock of hair. Class Rg, No. 25.]

  1. Properly, to disentangle; hence, to free from difficulties or perplexities; to disembarrass; as, to extricate one from complicated business, from troublesome alliances or other connections; to extricate one's self from debt.
  2. To send out; to cause to be emitted or evolved.

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