Definition for WRINK'LE

WRINK'LE, n. [Sax. wrincle; Sw. rynka; Dan. rynke. This coincides with ring, a circle. The Dutch write this word krinkle, and kring is ring. The G. runzel is probably of the same family, formed on Rg; Ir. rang. If n is casual, the root coincides with L. ruga, a wrinkle, and W. rhyç, a furrow.]

  1. A small ridge or prominence, or a furrow, formed by the shrinking or contraction of any smooth substance; corrugation; a crease; as, wrinkles in the face or skin.
  2. A fold or rumple in cloth.
  3. Roughness; unevenness. Not the least wrinkle to deform the sky. – Dryden.

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