Definition for BE-TWEEN

BE-TWEEN, prep. [Sax. betweonan, betwynan; of be and twain, two, Sax. tweg, twegen. The Saxons used, in the same sense, betuh, and betweoh, betwo, See Twain, Twin.]

  1. In the intermediate space, without regard to distance; as, New York is between Boston and Philadelphia; the Delaware river runs between Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
  2. From one to another; passing from one to another, noting exchange of actions or intercourse; as, things go well between the parties.
  3. Belonging to two or more, in common, or partnership; as, two friends have but one soul between them; twenty proprietors own a tract of land between them. We observe that between is not restricted to two.
  4. Having mutual relation to two or more; as, discords exist between the families.
  5. Noting difference, or discrimination of one from another; as, to distinguish between right and wrong.

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